While wearing this armor when you cast
When you find this chainmail it appears to have a thin film over it and is trimmed with white fox fur. When you touch the armor it is immediately obvious that the film is frost as the metal is as cold as ice.
This item has 5 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
While you are attuned to this armor you have resistance to Cold damage and are impervious to extreme weather, both cold and hot. Additionally, you know the
Numbing Aura
All terrain around you in a 10 foot radius ices over with a magical frost and is considered difficult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius of frost moves with you but does not damage any plants or objects that it freezes. Additionally, any enemy creature that ends their turn on this ice can not take reactions until their next turn.
At the beginning of your turn you may choose to expend a charge to gain 1d4+1 temporary hit points at the beginning of each turn for the next 10 minutes as the armor slowly builds up its layer of frost.
Arctic Snap
As an action you may expend 2 charges as you snap your fingers to freeze the enemies around you. All enemy creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they take 3d8 Cold damage and are Restrained for the next minute as ice races from your feet to clutch at their legs. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Restrained. A creature who is Restrained by this effect can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If you are not a spellcaster you use your Constitution modifier as your spellcasting ability for this effect.
This crystal circlet is a deep aqua crested with white and in its center is set a gold symbol.
When you attune to this item 6 spheres of water, each 3 feet across, manifest as if drawing the water from the air itself before shrinking to the size of a fist and orbiting your head.
This item has 6 charges, represented by the orbs of water, and regains all expended charges at dawn.
If you are not a caster all magical effects of this item use your Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. While you are attuned to this item you are able to breathe underwater as if it was dry land and have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
Ebb and Flow
While attuned to this item you know the cantrip
Tides of Battle
As an action you can expend a charge to fire a sphere of water at the ground. When it strikes the ground a wave of water splashes out in an area up to 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 4d8 Bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. The water then spreads out across the ground in all directions, extinguishing unprotected flames within its area and within 30 feet of it.
Sphere of Influence
As an Attack action if you still have at least one charge remaining you may make a ranged spell attack against a target you can see within 30 feet. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the attack action this replaces one of them. When you do so one of the spheres of water orbiting you suddenly expands and flies towards the target before returning to its previous place and size. On a hit you deal 3d8 magical Bludgeoning damage.
This glass amulet is not polished as a glass bottle would be but is instead appears unfinished and crude. Beneath the rough surface you can see the flickering of a blazing fire and feel its warmth against your skin.
This amulet has 6 charges and regains all expended charges at dawn.
If you are not a caster all magical effects of this item use your Constitution as your spellcasting ability.
While wearing this amulet you have resistance to Cold damage and are not affected by extreme cold conditions. Additionally, you are immune to any magical fire that you create.
Undying Flames
While attuned to this amulet you know the
You can cast these cantrips as bonus actions, they do not require concentration, and their duration is considered indefinite. They last until you dispel them, you fall unconscious, or you cast them again.
Searing Aura
As a bonus action you can expend a charge to call upon the flames within the amulet and the air around you begins to shimmer with a sweltering heat. For the next minute any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d8 Fire damage.
Immolating Burst
As an action you can reach out your hand and expend a charge to cause a fiery outburst. The flames within the amulet pulse and a line of fire 5 feet wide and 30 feet long flares from your palm. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d8 Fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
This black cloak has a hint of blue with silvered threads dashing through it. When in motion it appears as if the threads are electrical energy crackling off the fabric. Inside the hood a silver insignia of Talos has been carefully stitched. This cloak has 12 charges and regains all charges at dawn.
While wearing this cloak you know the cantrip
Winds of Change
As an action you can expend a number of charges to create a vortex of howling winds. When you do so choose one 5 foot space within 120 feet for each charge. Large or smaller creatures within 15 feet of a target space, but not in a target space, must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from the nearest targeted space.
Energizing Presence
All allies within 10 feet, including yourself, are affected by the energy pulsing around you and have a +5 bonus to initiative.
Additionally, as a reaction you can expend a charge to grant one creature you can see advantage on Dexterity or Strength saving throws until the end of their next turn.
Lightning Mastery
When you cast a spell that deals Lightning damage the air around you tingles with energy. You may choose a number of enemy creatures up to the level of the spell slot expended within 30 feet of you. Each target creature takes 1d4+1 Lightning damage as tendrils of electricity reach out from your robe.
The object you see before you is best described as an ever-undulating ball of liquid mercury with a red glow deep inside its core. The closer your hand gets the more it seethes.
This item has 6 charges and regains all expended charges at dawn.
As an action you can command the orb to transform into any simple or martial weapon of your choice, When you do so it rapidly bubbles and cools before floating into your hand. If it is already transformed you can command it to transform in your hand, or back into it’s orb form, as a bonus action.
Any metal it transforms into is a dark iron, and any wood is ebony. Every weapon has large claws are carved into the handle, and a ruby is embedded into it somewhere. If the weapon it transforms into has the ammunition property each time you attack with it a piece of ammunition made of black iron materializes and then disappears again after it strikes. These weapons always count as magical for overcoming resistances. When not stored in a container the orb floats right beside you just above waist height. If it is not at your side you can summon it to you, and command it to transform, as an action.
Flash of Wrath
When you hit a creature with this item you may expend a charge to create three bolts of crackling black energy that leap from the creature to as many as three other creatures within 30 feet of the first. A creature can be targeted by only one of the bolts. Each target, including the first creature, must make a Dexterity saving throw DC 15. A creature takes 8d6 Lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Overwhelming Charisma
As an action you may expend 2 charges to shout a command in Infernal. When you do so choose a number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 60 feet to make a Wisdom Saving throw with a DC equal to 14 plus your Charisma modifier (minimum 14). On a failure a creature falls prone and spends their next turn groveling.
This silvered sword has a broad blade that glints yellow in the sun. It’s golden hand-and-a-half hilt has an exorbitantly large diamond as the pommel.
Undead’s Bane
This sword deals Radiant damage instead of Slashing damage to any undead creature. Additionally, when you take the Dodge action until the beginning of your next turn you have resistance to Necrotic damage.
Heaven’s Fury
While wielding this sword you can command a fraction of the might contained in the armories of the Upper Planes. Once per day as an action you can swing the sword down at point you can see. When you do so a crack like thunder can be heard as a hail of massive 20 foot swords crash into the ground in a 30 foot radius around the point you chose. These swords fly from the heavens, piercing through almost any object in their path before disappearing in a flash.
Any creature in the area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. If you are proficient in Religion you add your proficiency to this DC. On a failure the creature takes 3d12 Piercing damage and 3d12 Radiant damage. Celestial creatures automatically succeed this saving throw.
Angelic Properties
This sword can not rust or shatter, and you can summon this sword to you as a bonus action if you have a free hand unless it is blocked by an antimagic field or a ward against magical travel such as
Curse. If you knowingly attack an innocent creature the sword will immediately streak with black, lose all magic ability, and its diamond will shatter. Additionally, you take 1 fire damage as a symbol is branded into your forehead.
If you unattune with this sword it will begin floating, before, with a clap like thunder, it soars into the sky and returns to the Upper Planes.
This golden pendant is a smooth ellipse shined to a mirror finish. On its face is a pair of feathered wings etched into its surface.
Divine Light
While wearing this pendant as an action you can kneel and concentrate on the pendant as if concentrating on a spell until the beginning of your next turn. Doing so ends your turn, and bathes you in a beam of light, even if you are underground. While you are concentrating in this way if an undead, fiend, or aberration, makes a melee attack against you they automatically miss and are pushed back 10 feet.
At the beginning of your next turn all allies within 30 feet heal for 2d8 hit points and all hostile creatures within 60 feet must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw.
On a failure they take 2d8 Radiant damage and are Blinded until the end of their next turn. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Blinded.
Once you have used this feature you can not use it again until your next short rest .
Angelic Properties
This pendant will not tarnish and can not be dented or scratched. Additionally, while attuned to it you know the Celestial language and can sense any Celestial creature within 120 feet of you.
Curse. If you commit a heinous act the pendant will tarnish slightly and the etching of the wings will glow red for the next day. While the pendant is glowing red you have disadvantage on all ability checks and it feels as if your mind is fogged.
This large silver ring is nearly 3 feet in diameter, several inches tall and delicately thin. Along its length is a groove, and at the front it is notched through to the groove where an extravagantly large diamond is set.
When you attune with this item the groove and diamond begin to glow a soft white, and it floats of its own accord to just a foot over your head, remaining there as closely as possible. While attuned to this halo you are resistant to Radiant damage and have advantage on Religion checks.
Heaven’s Wrath
While the halo floats above your head you can call on a sliver of the might contained in the armories of the Upper Planes. As an action you can raise your hand to the sky, pulling down 1d6 shining translucent swords. They fly to your side with a flourish, and will slowly orbit you, hilt upwards, for the next minute or until they shatter.
You can have up to 6 swords orbiting you, and while at least one sword orbits you you can make a melee spell attack against any creature you can see within 60 feet of you as an Attack action. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack replaces one of them.
On a hit you deal 1d8 + your Intelligence(Religion) modifier Radiant damage as the sword seems to pass right through the creature. On a miss the sword shatters.
If you are not a spellcaster you use your Intelligence modifier as your spellcasting modifier for this feature.
Angelic Properties
The halo will float above your head even in an antimagic field, despite the rest of its effects being nullified. Additionally, if you are ever separated from the halo you can summon it back to you as a bonus action unless it is blocked by an antimagic field or a ward against magical travel such as
Curse. If you are ever more than 15 feet from the halo you take 1 psychic damage each minute and head inexplicably aches. If you are on a different plane from the halo you are also Blinded until you are once again on the same plane.
The only way to unattune from the halo apart from
This polished gold ring has a thick ivory inlay. As soon as you attune to it it reaches out to you, impressing upon you to put it on the first finger of your dominant hand. It can not speak, but it can communicate to you through ideas, images, and emotions.
Stages of Power. The desire of this ring is to protect other innocent creatures lives. If you earn the trust of the ring by showing your devotion to the protection of creatures around you and going beyond the call of duty to do so it will grant you power. When you attune with it you start at the Ring Stage, and move forward as the ring decides you are trustworthy. However if you betray the trust of the ring, you may move back a stage. Each stage of power has access to all the abilities of the stage before it. As an action you can transform the ring into any stage it allows you to have access to.
Ring Stage (Rare)
While the ring is content, and you wear it on your first finger, it grants you basic abilities.
Brilliant Presence. As an action you can cast the cantrip
Shield of Gold. Once per long rest you can cast
Glove Stage (Very Rare)
The ring stretches out tendrils of ivory, coating your hand and wrist. The ivory forms into plates and gold trim manifests as they harden. Strands arch from the ring onto the gold edged glove and to each finger. The entire system of white arches and plates seems to weigh almost nothing as if it is floating around your hand.
Defender’s Blessing. Once per day as an action while wearing this gauntlet you can fire a beam of brilliant yellow light in a 5 foot wide, 60 foot line from the gauntlet. Each creature in this line must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes 8d6 Radiant damage and is blinded until your next turn. On a successful save it takes half as much damage and is not blinded. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw. This beam counts as a 3rd level light spell for the sake of dispelling magical darkness.
Divine Fist. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage while wearing the gauntlet. Additionally you can choose to deal Radiant damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
Gauntlet Stage (Very Rare)
The ring sprouts a dense network of ivory and gold tendrils, covering even your upper arm, up to your shoulder. Each gold trimmed plate is connected with a series of ivory strands all gracefully twisting back to the ring. You move unhindered by this long gauntlet, as if it floats effortlessly just above your skin.
Golden Circuitry. You now have a pool of 3 charges stored in the gauntlet. As a reaction you can expend a number of charges to activate Shield of Gold, even if it has already been used, on a number of creatures equal to the charges expended.
Additionally, as an action you can expend a charge to cast
Divine Fist. Your Divine Fist increases in power, it now deals 1d8 + your Strength or Wisdom modifier Radiant damage.
Telepathic Bond. The ring is connected to you so deeply it can now telepathically speak to you with words in addition to images and emotions, although its words are few.
Shield Stage (Legendary)
The ring covers your shoulder in a graceful paldron, heavily decorated with gold. Additionally a plate begins growing over your forearm and then detaches, floating 3 inches from your arm. This plate slowly forms a shining white kiteshield, with the golden symbol of an intricate shield in its center. While the ring is in this form and its shield is protecting you, you have +2 AC if you are not already wielding a shield.
Selfless Defense. As a bonus action you can command the ring to shield another creature within 30 feet. Until they end their turn farther than 30 feet away or you issue a new command the shield will hover by them, granting them +2 AC. While you are using this feature you can not benefit from the shield.
Golden Circuitry. The pool of charges stored in the gauntlet increases to your level/2 rounded down (minimum of 3).
Note. This item can also be used without its legacy (growing) mechanic. Just pick a stage and treat it as if that is all the item has to offer.