This ancient staff carved from stout oak is without any ornamentation beyond its natural gnarls and twists, and a small inscription. If you are able to read Elven you can gather that it was created for a crusade to heal the forests and restore balance that was lost. This staff has 8 charges and regains 1d8 expended charges each day at dawn.
Reach of Infinite Branches
When you cast Thorn Whip or Grasping Vine you can cast them from a Large or larger plant you can see, that is not hostile, as if you were there.
Tangled Canopy
You know the cantrip Thorn Whip if you did not previously, and additionally can expend a charge to cast Grasping Vine, ignoring concentration.
Roots of The Great Oak
If you expend a charge and spend 1 minute concentrating you can cast Transport Via Plants without expending a spell slot, so long as the destination plant is an oak tree.
Branches’ Blessing
As an action you can expend a charge while touching a Large tree or plant in a swamp or dead forest to stimulate it to grow so long as it is still standing. Within one hour you can notice it’s bark being restored, and buds beginning to form. You regain any charges you expended to heal a plant in this way after your next long or short rest.