Juggernaut's Burdenous Plate armor(plate, half plate), very rare

This oversized set of plate armor is obviously made from the chitin of some creature rather than metal. It is a mottled brown, covered in protruding spines, and it is incredibly dense. While wearing it you feel like you could run through a wall and not even feel it. However due to the massive bulk of this armor if your strength score is lower than 16, your movement speed can not be higher than 10 while wearing it.
While wearing this plate armor any Bludgeoning damage you take is reduced by 10, you are resistant to Acid damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being knocked Prone or Restrained.

Type: Armor, very rare (major)
Subtype(s): plate, half plate
School: Abjuration
Cost: 50,000 gp38,000 sp
Item Created: 2025-01-02
Last Updated: 2025-03-10
Item #: 363

