This oversized set of plate armor is obviously made from the chitin of some creature rather than metal. It is a mottled brown, covered in protruding spines, and it is incredibly dense. While wearing it you feel like you could run through a wall and not even feel it. However due to the massive bulk of this armor if your strength score is lower than 16, your movement speed can not be higher than 10 while wearing it.
While wearing this plate armor any Bludgeoning damage you take is reduced by 10, you are resistant to Acid damage, and have advantage on saving throws against being knocked Prone or Restrained.
This large barrel is full of a sticky substance that is intensely black and viscous. If the barrel breaks or you tip it over it the substance oozes forth. It takes 1 minute to cover a 5 foot square and can cover up to 20 squares.
Any creature that enters or ends their turn on a square covered in Impossible Tar must make a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be Restrained. A creature restrained in this way can use its action to make a DC 15 Strength check and on a success it frees itself. If a creature becomes Prone while Restrained by Impossible Tar it can no longer free itself and must be assisted by another creature.
The tar lasts for one week outside the barrel, until it is frozen, or until exposed to universal solvent. It is too sticky to put back in the barrel.
This polished armor is heavily adorned with bronze and gold and has a band of red hanging from it’s left pauldron. It is said to have belonged to a legendary warrior who led his men to battle with reckless abandon.
While wearing this armor you are immune to being frightened and while charmed if you would injure a creature you consider to be an ally the effect on you immediately ends.
Additionally, as an action, you can rally your allies to you. For the next minute you emanate an aura of confidence and can not be stunned or knocked prone. For this duration friendly creatures within 30 feet of you are immune to being frightened or charmed, and hostile creatures within 30 feet have disadvantage to Wisdom saving throws.
Once you use this ability you can not use it again until your next long rest.
When you find this chainmail it appears to have a thin film over it and is trimmed with white fox fur. When you touch the armor it is immediately obvious that the film is frost as the metal is as cold as ice.
This item has 5 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
While you are attuned to this armor you have resistance to Cold damage and are impervious to extreme weather, both cold and hot. Additionally, you know the
Numbing Aura
All terrain around you in a 10 foot radius ices over with a magical frost and is considered difficult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius of frost moves with you but does not damage any plants or objects that it freezes. Additionally, any enemy creature that ends their turn on this ice can not take reactions until their next turn.
At the beginning of your turn you may choose to expend a charge to gain 1d4+1 temporary hit points at the beginning of each turn for the next 10 minutes as the armor slowly builds up its layer of frost.
Arctic Snap
As an action you may expend 2 charges as you snap your fingers to freeze the enemies around you. All enemy creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they take 3d8 Cold damage and are Restrained for the next minute as ice races from your feet to clutch at their legs. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Restrained. A creature who is Restrained by this effect can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If you are not a spellcaster you use your Constitution modifier as your spellcasting ability for this effect.
From the jutting angles and rough texture of this snow white plate armor you can tell its obviously crafted from some form of chitin. The underside of each piece of plate is a spectacular orange and flares of color are visible through the chinks of the armor.
This armor has 3 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn. While attuned to and wearing this armor you are immune to the effects of extreme cold climates.
As an action you can expend a charge and when you do so the armor shudders slightly and all joints visibly tighten as you feel a sudden surge of heat. For the next minute any Fire damage you take is reduced by 10.
If you are ever swallowed while wearing this armor the creature that swallowed you must immediately make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure it regurgitates all swallowed creatures. On a success it instead makes all Constitution saving throws to keep you contained in its stomach with disadvantage.
These thick leather gloves go all the way up your forearms and cinch tightly above the elbow. The back of the hand is covered in a white filigree that gently spirals all the way up the glove and the palms are chill to the touch.While wearing these gloves you have resistance to Cold damage and even when Restrained, or Grappled by a creature Large or smaller, your movement speed can not drop below 10.
If you grapple a creature with both hands while you are wearing these gloves that creature takes 2d6 Cold damage each turn until they are no longer grappled. If they break the grapple they must roll a Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a failure they are Restrained by ice until the beginning of their next turn.
As an action once per short rest you can activate the gloves and small particles of snow begin to swirl around you until suddenly the gloves turn into large gauntlets of blue ice. For the next minute your gauntlets are frozen solid but do not inhibit movement. While your gauntlets are frozen you can not be shoved or pushed magically and any enemy creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 Cold damage. Additionally, when you make an unarmed attack you can choose to deal Cold damage instead of Bludgeoning.
This dark gray heathered cloak is unusually stiff, even more so than the starched capes of nobles, and on closer inspection you surmise that it has a tight weave of wires of varying thicknesses throughout it. It weighs about 6 pounds and will not tear.
While wearing this cloak as a bonus action you can pull it over you to shield yourself. Until the beginning of your next turn you have resistance to piercing and slashing damage but are considered Restrained by the stiff material.

This simple round shield is rimmed with a band of clear crystal that is hard as iron.
While attuned to this shield you have proficiency with Intelligence saving throws if you did not before. This shield has 3 charges that recharge on a long or short rest. While you are wielding this shield as a reaction you can choose to expend a number of charges to activate it at the end of another creature’s turn.
Force of Mind
You expend 1 charge to target a creature within 30 feet and make an Intelligence check contested by the target’s Wisdom or Intelligence check (the target chooses the ability to use). If you succeed, you knock the target prone and push it 10 feet away from you.
Mental Grasp
You expend 2 charges to instantly cast
This chainmail is dull and rusted, and has red links of an unknown metal woven throughout it chaotically. No amount of scrubbing and polishing can clean off the rust that has accumulated.
While wearing this armor when your speed is reduced to 0 a dark sigil appears beneath your feet and rusty chains fly up from the ground, encircling you and any creature grappling you. While these chains are wrapped around you you have resistance to all Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage. Any hostile creature that in entangled in these chains or ends their turn within 5 feet of these chains takes 1d12 Necrotic damage.
Any creature entangled by the chains, including you, must make a DC 16 Strength check to escape. The chains and sigil disappear once all creatures trapped by them have escaped or died. They also disappear if exposed to
Curse. Each time you try and fail to escape from the chains you take 1d6 Necrotic damage. If you become unconscious while entangled by the chains the sigil brightly glows for 3 rounds before dragging you through the ground and transporting you to The Abyss unless you are are stabilized or regain consciousness.
This armor has a reinforced metal cylinder attached at the nape of the neck, and sprouting from it are several tendrils reaching to the armor’s reinforced pauldrons. As a reaction to taking acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you may activate the armor and gain one charge. Until the beginning of your next turn you have resistance to the damage type of the triggering attack and gain one additional charge each time you are hit by this damage type. All unexpended charges are harmlessly vented from the canister each day at dawn.
As an action you may expend up to 10 charges to make all other creatures within a 10-foot radius to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, as energy is violently discharged from the pauldrons. Each creature takes 1d6 Force damage per charge expended on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
This shield is made from a thin sheet of solid stone, and is etched with radiating lines. While you are touching solid ground you may activate or deactivate the shield as an action by speaking the command word. When activated the shield expands, spiking along the radiating lines to a width of 15 feet, a height of 10 feet, and rooting itself and you into the ground. This provides full cover to all creatures behind the shield (including yourself) and while the shield is active you are not able to be shoved, or moved magically, but you are Restrained until you deactivate the shield.