This short comb appears to be covered in gold. If you comb your hair with it every morning your hair will become lustrously smooth and grow at an inch per day until it touches the ground. Not only is your hair beautiful, it is also surprisingly strong, and once it reaches your waist it can be used as a weapon. As an attack action you can whip your hair at an enemy within 5 feet dealing 1d4 + your Strength modifier Slashing damage on a hit. This counts as an unarmed strike, if you can attack multiple times this replaces one attack. If your hair is longer than 5 feet you can attack enemies within 10 feet and the damage increases to 1d6 + your Strength modifier Slashing damage. If you fail to comb your hair in the morning your hair begins to fall out, starting at the bottom, at a rate of 1 foot each for day you do not comb.
These gauntlets are made from a dark marbled stone, finely chiseled. They somehow flex and articulate with no visible joints, and are far too heavy to be practical when you first put them on. When you attune with them you feel them suddenly lighten, and you are able to move freely once again.
These gauntlets have 4 charges and regain 1d4 expended charges each day at dawn.
While wearing these gauntlets your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 additional bludgeoning damage.
When you touch a stone surface you can expend a charge as an action to form up to a 10-foot cubed area of the stone you are touching into any shape that suits your purpose. For example, a weapon, statue, or small passage through a wall, so long as the wall is less than 10 feet thick. The object you create can have simple hinges but fine mechanical detail is not possible. Additionally, if you expend a charge and concentrate for 1 minute, as if concentrating on a spell, you can create a stone object that is no more than 5 feet in any dimension out of thin air.
This glove has a cuff that extends down the length of your forearm and is stitched from a dark-brown supple leather. The tips and pads of its fingers as well as the palm are reinforced with black leather. It has a short silver claw extending out from the tip of the thumb and small silver plates covering the back of each finger. To attune to this item you must wear it for the duration.
This item has 25 charges, and if you have a positive Wisdom modifier it gains an additional number of charges equal to your Wisdom modifier times 5. It regains all expended charges after a long rest. When you make a successful unarmed attack with this glove you can expend a number of charges to deal that much additional Necrotic damage.
Skilled Harvester
When you wield a Sickle it deals 1d6 slashing damage, has the property Finesse, and when you wield it with two hands it deals an additional 1d6 Necrotic damage.
Hand of Repose
While attuned to this glove you know the cantrip
Curse. The moment you finish attuning to this glove the arm you are wearing it on is wracked with pain. You take 1d12 Necrotic damage and your vision extends out into the Ethereal plane despite your body remaining in the mortal plane. You hear whispers around you growing ever closer until your senses return to your body and you become aware of how light your arm is.
While the glove is covering your arm you cant notice any difference, but when you take off the glove you can see that your arm stops in a withered stump. Your arm and hand are gone. When the glove is “worn” where your arm once was you can “use your hand” as normal, but it is incorporeal otherwise.
If you have the feature Lay on Hands whenever you use it you make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8). On a failure your pools of energy conflict and you must roll 1d10, expending that many charges and dealing that much Necrotic damage to the target creature.
If you dispel the curse on this item it is destroyed and your arm does not return.
Roots gnarl over your knuckles as you put on these living gauntlets. Dull green leaves are growing out of its gray bark alongside the knots and spines.
While you are wearing these gauntlets your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage. Additionally, on a critical hit with these gauntlets you deal an additional 2d4 Poison damage. If you know Druidic you can verbally command these gauntlets to change their form as an action. When you do so you can change the damage type you deal with unarmed strikes while wearing these gauntlets to bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing.
This polished gold ring has a thick ivory inlay. As soon as you attune to it it reaches out to you, impressing upon you to put it on the first finger of your dominant hand. It can not speak, but it can communicate to you through ideas, images, and emotions.
Stages of Power. The desire of this ring is to protect other innocent creatures lives. If you earn the trust of the ring by showing your devotion to the protection of creatures around you and going beyond the call of duty to do so it will grant you power. When you attune with it you start at the Ring Stage, and move forward as the ring decides you are trustworthy. However if you betray the trust of the ring, you may move back a stage. Each stage of power has access to all the abilities of the stage before it. As an action you can transform the ring into any stage it allows you to have access to.
Ring Stage (Rare)
While the ring is content, and you wear it on your first finger, it grants you basic abilities.
Brilliant Presence. As an action you can cast the cantrip
Shield of Gold. Once per long rest you can cast
Glove Stage (Very Rare)
The ring stretches out tendrils of ivory, coating your hand and wrist. The ivory forms into plates and gold trim manifests as they harden. Strands arch from the ring onto the gold edged glove and to each finger. The entire system of white arches and plates seems to weigh almost nothing as if it is floating around your hand.
Defender’s Blessing. Once per day as an action while wearing this gauntlet you can fire a beam of brilliant yellow light in a 5 foot wide, 60 foot line from the gauntlet. Each creature in this line must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save a creature takes 8d6 Radiant damage and is blinded until your next turn. On a successful save it takes half as much damage and is not blinded. Undead and oozes have disadvantage on this saving throw. This beam counts as a 3rd level light spell for the sake of dispelling magical darkness.
Divine Fist. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 damage while wearing the gauntlet. Additionally you can choose to deal Radiant damage instead of bludgeoning damage.
Gauntlet Stage (Very Rare)
The ring sprouts a dense network of ivory and gold tendrils, covering even your upper arm, up to your shoulder. Each gold trimmed plate is connected with a series of ivory strands all gracefully twisting back to the ring. You move unhindered by this long gauntlet, as if it floats effortlessly just above your skin.
Golden Circuitry. You now have a pool of 3 charges stored in the gauntlet. As a reaction you can expend a number of charges to activate Shield of Gold, even if it has already been used, on a number of creatures equal to the charges expended.
Additionally, as an action you can expend a charge to cast
Divine Fist. Your Divine Fist increases in power, it now deals 1d8 + your Strength or Wisdom modifier Radiant damage.
Telepathic Bond. The ring is connected to you so deeply it can now telepathically speak to you with words in addition to images and emotions, although its words are few.
Shield Stage (Legendary)
The ring covers your shoulder in a graceful paldron, heavily decorated with gold. Additionally a plate begins growing over your forearm and then detaches, floating 3 inches from your arm. This plate slowly forms a shining white kiteshield, with the golden symbol of an intricate shield in its center. While the ring is in this form and its shield is protecting you, you have +2 AC if you are not already wielding a shield.
Selfless Defense. As a bonus action you can command the ring to shield another creature within 30 feet. Until they end their turn farther than 30 feet away or you issue a new command the shield will hover by them, granting them +2 AC. While you are using this feature you can not benefit from the shield.
Golden Circuitry. The pool of charges stored in the gauntlet increases to your level/2 rounded down (minimum of 3).
Note. This item can also be used without its legacy (growing) mechanic. Just pick a stage and treat it as if that is all the item has to offer.
This bundle of ancient cloths is meant to be wrapped around the hands, legs, and upper arms to serve as basic protection in a fight. You can put on or take off the wrappings during a long or short rest, and while wearing them in this way each time you successfully hit a creature with an unarmed attack the wrappings unravel slightly and gain one charge. The wrappings can store up to 10 charges as more of the cloth loosens and frays. These charges last until your next short rest as the wrappings slowly repair, weaving themselves back together.
As a bonus action you can expend a number of charges to teleport up to 10 feet per charge expended to an unoccupied space you can see. When you teleport in this way you disappear in a flurry of cloth scraps that dissolve into dust.