This wide gold circlet is set with a single cloudy aquamarine and is etched with a pattern resembling a brick wall.
This circlet has 4 charges, and regains 1d4 charges each day at dawn. When you must make a Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence saving throw you can choose to expend a charge to gain advantage on that saving throw. If you expend a charge in this way while incapacitated you automatically succeed the saving throw, as the effect meets with an impenetrable wall within your mind.
Additionally, when you attune to this item you may pick a mental saving throw, either Wisdom, Charisma, or Intelligence, and are proficient in saving throws using the chosen ability until you un-attune to the circlet.
This ring is a complicated tangle of copper and bronze oak leaves. It magically resizes to fit any finger you put it on.
This item holds 10 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn.
While attuned to this ring you can identify the type of any tree you can see, and have proficiency in Intelligence(Nature) checks.
Plane of Perpetual Autumn
While attuned with this ring you are aware of, and in control of, the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn. This demiplane is a lush deciduous forest with a giant oak many times larger than normal at the center. The trees in this forest are always beautiful warm tones with the occasional purple. You can walk for several miles in any direction before finding the edge of the demiplane. If you concentrate, you know of all creatures within the demiplane and where they are.
Ever-present Portal
As an action you can expend 2 charges to create a portal to the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn, or a portal from the demiplane to the Prime Material plane, that lasts for 1 hour or until you create another portal. This costs 1 less charge if you create the portal adjacent to a Huge or larger oak tree.
The portal you create is 5 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and is bordered by branches. You can expend an additional 2 charges to double the size of the portal.
When you create a portal to the Material Plane you can choose any location you are very familiar with, or a permanent teleport circle. When you create a portal to the demiplane you can choose any location within it.
If you create a portal in the same location for 8 consecutive days that portal becomes a permanent portal. A permanent portal can only be dispelled by
This deck of cards features a well dressed creature from a different profession or walk of life on each card.
As an action you can draw a card from the deck, changing all your clothing, but not your belongings, to match the creature on the card. This clothing fits well, no matter your race or build, and this change lasts until midnight, you draw another card, or
Suits and Sashes
Numbers are everyday professions, anything from a cobbler or a blacksmith to a clergy member or librarian. Faces are nobility or high ranking individuals. If you draw an Ace you can choose what your outfit is, even an exact match of another creature’s outfit you have seen before. Additionally, you gain a bonus while wearing this outfit based on the suit drawn.
Hearts. You have advantage on Charisma(Persuasion) checks and Wisdom(Insight) checks.
Diamonds. You have advantage on Charisma(Performance) checks and Intelligence(Arcana) checks.
Clubs. You have advantage on Charisma(Intimidation) checks and Strength(Athletics) checks.
Spades. You have advantage on Charisma(Deception) checks and Wisdom(Perception) checks.
This simple collared robe is fastened with silver clasps and appears unassuming until you touch it’s surface. When touched it ripples with mesmerizing colors.
This item has 8 charges and regains 1d6 + 2 expended charges each day at dawn.
While wearing this robe when a creature within 60 feet that can see you makes an attack against you as a reaction you can expend a charge to force that creature to make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure they are charmed for the next minute. while charmed by this effect, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. This effect ends if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its trance.
Additionally, as an action, you can expend a charge to change the robe to any color, style, or design, you want. This change is more than an illusion and physically transforms the cloak in a cascade of brilliant light before your eyes.
This ancient leather tome is thick, and immensely heavy. It’s dusty pages contain all of history, mundane or epic as it might be. Each time you open this book the pages within it have different information than before, but not always the information you seek.
Complete History
While holding or carrying this book if your total roll for an Intelligence (History) check is less than your Intelligence score, you can use your Intelligence score in place of the total.
Ancient Lore
When you open this book you can name or describe a person, place, or object. When you do so the tome opens to a page containing information and lore about the thing you named. The lore might consist of current tales, forgotten stories, or even secret lore that has never been widely known.
The more information you already know about the chosen subject, the more precise and detailed the pages in the tome are. The information you learn is always accurate, but may be not be all the information available, or be obscured by figurative language.
Once used this property of the tome can not be used again until the next dawn.
This hammer has radiating lines carved into each of its faces and a small metal sundial on its handle. It has 3 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn. When you hit a creature with this hammer you can expend a charge to force the target to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. Creatures holding a hammer of any type automatically succeed on this saving throw. On a failure, they are frozen in place and the world appears to fast forward in front of their eyes. For the next minute they can not be interacted with in any way, they are immune to all damage, their movement speed is 0, and they are incapacitated. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect early on a success.
This bold silver circlet has a facet where a gem should sit, but it is empty. While wearing this circlet if you would take psychic damage, any effect or spell tries to read your thoughts, divine your location, or charm you, the circlet activates. For the next minute the circlet wards your mind and body so it appears as empty as the void itself. For the duration you are immune to psychic damage and the charmed condition, your thoughts are unreadable by any means, and your location can not be divined. Once activated the circlet can not activate again until the next dawn.
This leatherbound book of ancient parchment is sealed shut and you are unable to figure out how to open it, but just by holding it you can feel that there is untold knowledge within it.
While attuned to this book you are able to speak with plants and animals as if affected by the spells
Curse. If you do not cast either True Seeing or Contact Other Plane for at least one day while attuned to this book you begin to see and hear things. When you make a critical fail on an ability check, or at any time your DM chooses, you suffer one of the following effects: You see something that does not exist until the end of your next turn, something near you appears to change forms until the end of your next turn, or you hear the voice of another creature near you.
You become so used to seeing things that you shouldn’t, speaking with that that doesn’t speak, and encountering other planar beings simply by being near this book that you automatically fail the first saving throw for any illusory effect or spell from the school of Illusion because you assume that it is one of the many apparitions you often encounter.
This crystal circlet is a deep aqua crested with white and in its center is set a gold symbol.
When you attune to this item 6 spheres of water, each 3 feet across, manifest as if drawing the water from the air itself before shrinking to the size of a fist and orbiting your head.
This item has 6 charges, represented by the orbs of water, and regains all expended charges at dawn.
If you are not a caster all magical effects of this item use your Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. While you are attuned to this item you are able to breathe underwater as if it was dry land and have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
Ebb and Flow
While attuned to this item you know the cantrip
Tides of Battle
As an action you can expend a charge to fire a sphere of water at the ground. When it strikes the ground a wave of water splashes out in an area up to 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 4d8 Bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. The water then spreads out across the ground in all directions, extinguishing unprotected flames within its area and within 30 feet of it.
Sphere of Influence
As an Attack action if you still have at least one charge remaining you may make a ranged spell attack against a target you can see within 30 feet. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the attack action this replaces one of them. When you do so one of the spheres of water orbiting you suddenly expands and flies towards the target before returning to its previous place and size. On a hit you deal 3d8 magical Bludgeoning damage.
This large silver ring is nearly 3 feet in diameter, several inches tall and delicately thin. Along its length is a groove, and at the front it is notched through to the groove where an extravagantly large diamond is set.
When you attune with this item the groove and diamond begin to glow a soft white, and it floats of its own accord to just a foot over your head, remaining there as closely as possible. While attuned to this halo you are resistant to Radiant damage and have advantage on Religion checks.
Heaven’s Wrath
While the halo floats above your head you can call on a sliver of the might contained in the armories of the Upper Planes. As an action you can raise your hand to the sky, pulling down 1d6 shining translucent swords. They fly to your side with a flourish, and will slowly orbit you, hilt upwards, for the next minute or until they shatter.
You can have up to 6 swords orbiting you, and while at least one sword orbits you you can make a melee spell attack against any creature you can see within 60 feet of you as an Attack action. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack replaces one of them.
On a hit you deal 1d8 + your Intelligence(Religion) modifier Radiant damage as the sword seems to pass right through the creature. On a miss the sword shatters.
If you are not a spellcaster you use your Intelligence modifier as your spellcasting modifier for this feature.
Angelic Properties
The halo will float above your head even in an antimagic field, despite the rest of its effects being nullified. Additionally, if you are ever separated from the halo you can summon it back to you as a bonus action unless it is blocked by an antimagic field or a ward against magical travel such as
Curse. If you are ever more than 15 feet from the halo you take 1 psychic damage each minute and head inexplicably aches. If you are on a different plane from the halo you are also Blinded until you are once again on the same plane.
The only way to unattune from the halo apart from
This tall brass rod is etched with an abstract circular design that seems to be devoid of any pattern and has a 4 foot section of a curled, shriveled, Aboleth tentacle affixed to its top. The tentacle is a dark sickly green, and it’s so tough you aren’t sure you could pierce it.
While you are attuned to this tentacle you can breathe underwater and have a +5 on any Intelligence (Religion) checks, and +5 on Intelligence (History) checks to recall things about religions or gods.
Bloody Awakening
Once per short rest as an action if you slice your hand or wrist and drip your own blood onto the tentacle as you hold the rod the tentacle rejuvenates, and expands down the rod engulfing your arm. For the next minute you can not use that arm as it is encased in a giant tentacle. However you may make melee attacks with proficiency with the tentacle. It has a reach of 10 feet and deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
After the minute is up the tentacle shrivels once again, receding back up the rod, and releasing your arm, now covered in slime. Until the next day your arm remains a pale green tint where the tentacle covered it and the cut you made to awaken the tentacle refuses to fully close, even in response to magical healing.
Aboleth’s Eye
While the tentacle is engulfing your arm you may use an action to focus your gaze and force all creatures in a 30 foot cone to make a Wisdom saving throw DC 14 or take 1d6 psychic damage.