Bottle of Sudden Twilight wondrous, rare

This long glass vial is filled with a constantly shifting smoke. As its roiling within the vial you see wisps of sunset hues slowly winding through the smog.
This item holds 10 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at sunset.
As an action you can unstopper this vial, expending a charge to do so. Over the next minute the smoke continues to pour out of the vial seemingly without end. All natural light within a 10 mile radius is reduced to dim light for the next hour as an appearance of twilight settles over the land. For each additional minute the vial is open another charge is expended and the duration increases by 1 hour. If there are no remaining charges the duration does not increase.

Type: Wondrous, rare (major)
School: Illusion
Cost: 5,000 gp4,800 sp
Item Created: 2019-03-13
Item #: 236

