This armor has a plate of silver polished to a mirror finish embedded in the middle of its chest.
While you are wearing this armor if you are struck with a critical hit and it does not knock you unconscious you turn Invisible until the end of your next turn, or until you attack or cast a spell. Additionally, after each long or short rest while wearing this armor you gain +5 to Dexterity(Stealth) checks and initiative rolls for the next hour or until you make an attack or cast a spell.
This blade has a blue finish to it’s cutting edge, and to any creature on the Ethereal Plane it appears glaringly bright.
While holding this weapon you are able to perceive creatures on the Ethereal Plane as a faint blue specter of their true appearance.
Additionally, this weapon can affect creatures on the Ethereal Plane, such as ghosts. When you make an attack against a creature on the Ethereal Plane using this weapon you score a critical hit on a roll of 18 or higher.
This black cloak has a hint of blue with silvered threads dashing through it. When in motion it appears as if the threads are electrical energy crackling off the fabric. Inside the hood a silver insignia of Talos has been carefully stitched. This cloak has 12 charges and regains all charges at dawn.
While wearing this cloak you know the cantrip
Winds of Change
As an action you can expend a number of charges to create a vortex of howling winds. When you do so choose one 5 foot space within 120 feet for each charge. Large or smaller creatures within 15 feet of a target space, but not in a target space, must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from the nearest targeted space.
Energizing Presence
All allies within 10 feet, including yourself, are affected by the energy pulsing around you and have a +5 bonus to initiative.
Additionally, as a reaction you can expend a charge to grant one creature you can see advantage on Dexterity or Strength saving throws until the end of their next turn.
Lightning Mastery
When you cast a spell that deals Lightning damage the air around you tingles with energy. You may choose a number of enemy creatures up to the level of the spell slot expended within 30 feet of you. Each target creature takes 1d4+1 Lightning damage as tendrils of electricity reach out from your robe.
This appears to be a wooden gauntlet made from gnarled oak and a tough brown fabric. Each of the solid wooden slabs fastened to the back of the gauntlet has a different rune on it and on its front it has a circular hole cut from the palm. This gauntlet holds 5 charges and regains 1 expended charge each morning at dawn.
If you are within arm’s reach of a tree as an action you can expend a change and press your hand against the tree to draw a weapon or ammunition from it. This can be any weapon you are proficient with or 1d4 pieces of ammunition for any weapon you are proficient with. The look and feel of the weapon differs slightly depending on the type of tree you pull it from but it does not affect its function in any meaningful way.
On a critical failure with any weapon created this way, or after 1 day without being submerged in water, it splinters into pieces.
If you spend an action to return a weapon created this way (that has not splintered) to any tree within arms reach, the gauntlet regains an expended charge.
This hammer has a massive square head made from a gold alloy and its spiked face is well worn. On each side of the hammer’s head there is a small hole that seems to be made to hold a prism or gemstone. The handle is forged from a blue steel and where your hands would rest it is tightly wrapped in cloth. The hammer as a whole weighs 8 pounds and has the property heavy.
Checkered Face
Attacks made with this hammer ignore resistance to bludgeoning damage and grant you advantage on attack rolls against stone objects.
Stunning Wallop
At the beginning of your turn you can choose to bring the hammer down over your head with inhuman force, the hammer seeming to pull itself towards the ground. Make an attack roll against a target within 5 feet as an action. On a successful attack the target takes an additional 2d8 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature both you and the creature’s movespeeds are reduced to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
This warhammer has an unusually large head made of blue tinted steel, and weighs 5 pounds.
On a critical hit with this weapon you deal an additional 2d10 radiant damage. If you score a critical hit against an undead creature you gain half of the radiant damage in temporary hit points as the hammer dimly glows.
Curse. On a critical failure with this weapon all creatures within 5 feet of the hammer, including yourself, must make a DC 15 constitution saving throw or take 2d10 necrotic damage as the hammer hums loudly and crackles with dark energy.
Additionally, while attuned to this hammer you take half healing from spells of 2nd level or lower.
This rough axe has a series of holes, each trapping a stone bead, behind its cutting edge. These beads shake and rattle each time the axe is swung, making a deep humming sound.
On a critical hit with this weapon a small swarm of beetles fly from the beads and attack all creatures within 5 feet of the target creature, not including you, dealing 2d4 piercing damage to each creature.
While holding this weapon as an action you can make a DC 10 Animal Handling check, on a success a small swarm of beetles emerges that can accomplish any task that Mage Hand could and lasts 1 minute. You can summon up to three swarms in this manner, these swarms are under your control but will not attack.
If you put down or for any reason stop holding this weapon any swarms you currently have summoned attack you for the remainder of the minute, or until you pick up the weapon again, dealing 2d4 piercing damage a round per swarm.
This pale armor is frigid to the touch, and even in the warmest weather has a thin layer of frost over it. The wearer must endure wearing the cold plate for an entire hour to attune to it. You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor. Additionally, you have resistance to cold damage, and are unaffected by temperatures as low as -40. A chilly draft follows you wherever you go and while you are conscious any hostile creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of you takes 1d10 cold damage.