This blade is a mottled black and blue, with speckles of white throughout it. It’s hilt slowly shifts shape even as you hold it, and when you attack, the weapon leaves a shimmering trail in it’s wake.
Return To Nothing
As an action you can cast
Once used this property of the sword can not be used again until the next dawn.
Wall of Emptiness
As an action you can swing this sword through the air while clearing your mind and focusing on the infinite nothingness of the void. When you do so a rift of stars and darkness appears where your blade was. This rift forms a 20-foot tall and 60-foot long jagged wall extending from you that remains for the next minute. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice which side).
Anything that passes through this wall disappears into the void for the duration. When the wall dissipates with a roar any creatures or objects that disappeared into it are ejected into the nearest unoccupied space.
Once used this property of the sword can not be used again until the next dawn.
This charm has 1d6+2 eyes affixed to its fleshy surface and if you watch them long enough you will see one occasionally dart back and forth.
As an action you can crush an eye on the charm to cast
When all 6 eyes are crushed the charm lets out a shriek before shriveling into a husk.
This ancient ash branch has a startling number of eyes carved into its knots and gnarls.
The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d8+2 expended charges each day at dawn.
While attuned to this staff as an action you can expend a charge to heighten your senses for the next hour. During this time you can not be surprised, and you have a +5 to your passive Wisdom(Perception) and checks.
Additionally, as a reaction to a creature using a feature or ability that would inflict the condition Frightened you can expend a number of charges to cast
This ebony staff is topped with a lifelike hand carved from shimmering translucent crystal.
It has 10 charges and regains 1d10 expended charges each day at dawn. While attuned to this item you are able to cast
Shimmering Shield
As a reaction to you or a creature you can see being targeted by a ranged weapon or ranged spell attack, you can expend a charge to create a 10-foot wide 15-foot tall crystal hand between the targeted creature and the attack. Each time a hand is created, it appears in a brilliant flash of dazzling lights and each creature within 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the beginning of it’s next turn.
This crystal hand has 12 AC and 30 hit points and is vulnerable to Force damage. It lasts until it is destroyed or until you use this feature again.
This double door cabinet looks like it was made for dolls by a skilled toy-maker. When you open it, if there is room, it expands to its full size and quickly becomes 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. This item has 12 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
Inside is 3 brooms, mops, and buckets, as well as a small collection of cleaning rags, soap that never runs out, and aprons, that all belong to the cabinet. These objects are teleported back into the cabinet every time it is opened.
While holding any of the supplies that belong to the cabinet, as an action, you can expend a charge to animate that object as if under the effects of
These soft leather shoes don’t appear special in any way until you see the soles. The soles of these shoes are littered in runes written in complicated interlocking patterns.
While wearing these slippers you can not be tracked except by magical means. You leave no tracks or sign of your passage, no matter the terrain, and your tread is completely silent, even through things such as dry leaves or snow.
Additionally, as an action, you can activate the slippers to cast
This ornamental dagger is made from stone and edged in gold. Embedded along its spine there are three polished obsidian beads. When you hit a creature with this weapon you can cast
Once used, this property of the dagger can’t be used again until the next dawn. After all three beads are shattered this weapon becomes a nonmagical dagger.
This glass jar holds a preserved eye suspended in a putrid liquid. It has 6 charges and regains 1d3 + 3 expended charges daily at dawn.
As an action you can expend one or more of the item’s charges to cast one of the following spells, using your spellcasting ability for the attack roll or spell save DC:
In addition, you can use this eye as an arcane focus. When casting any of the aforementioned spells while using the eye as your focus, you can expend 1 additional charge to amplify the spell’s effect in the following ways:
- Blindness/Deafness. If the creature fails its initial saving throw it has disadvantage on saving throws to end the spell’s effect on itself.
- Ray of Enfeeblement. If a creature fails its initial saving throw, it automatically fails all saving throws against the spell to end the effect on itself. Additionally, it has disadvantage on all Strength checks and saving throws for the duration.
- Contagion. If the target creature fails its saving throw, it is afflicted with Flesh Rot in addition to whichever disease you choose.
This set of deep black and purple plate armor has some spiderwebs in it but otherwise is in pristine condition. This item has 3 charges and all expended charges recharge at dawn.
Arachnid Manipulation
While you are attuned to this armor you are able to convey basic commands and feelings to spiders and spider-like creatures allowing you to cast
Spider Summoner
As an action you can expend a charge to simultaneously cast
Curse. When you are near spiders you sometimes hear whispers from Lolth herself of things she wants you to do. Additionally, any charges that are not expended by midnight are automatically used at point(s) of the DM’s choice within range. Any creatures summoned in this way have no duration and are not under your control, though they will not be hostile towards you unless you attack them.
This well-crafted hide armor is a deep red, but does not appear to be dyed by conventional means, and does not have a single blemish or scratch.
Hand of Apollo
Once per short rest you can cast
Averter of Evil
While wearing this armor each day at dawn you can choose one type of creature: aberrations, fey, fiends, or undead. Creatures of this type have disadvantage on attacks rolls against you, and you can not be Charmed, Frightened, or Possessed by your chosen creature type until the next day.
This leatherbound book of ancient parchment is sealed shut and you are unable to figure out how to open it, but just by holding it you can feel that there is untold knowledge within it.
While attuned to this book you are able to speak with plants and animals as if affected by the spells
Curse. If you do not cast either True Seeing or Contact Other Plane for at least one day while attuned to this book you begin to see and hear things. When you make a critical fail on an ability check, or at any time your DM chooses, you suffer one of the following effects: You see something that does not exist until the end of your next turn, something near you appears to change forms until the end of your next turn, or you hear the voice of another creature near you.
You become so used to seeing things that you shouldn’t, speaking with that that doesn’t speak, and encountering other planar beings simply by being near this book that you automatically fail the first saving throw for any illusory effect or spell from the school of Illusion because you assume that it is one of the many apparitions you often encounter.