Within this fist sized vial is a bright aquamarine water, clear as crystal, that refracts light that passes through it. When poured out onto the ground it reaches from the ground to form tentacles that whip into a Large four legged creature. This creature has the body of a horse but at the end of its graceful neck is the head of a sea creature. It is the same color as the water within the vial but is mostly opaque, with a dark mane. It is equipped with a saddle, bit, and bridle, especially made for its physique out of white leather. Any of this equipment dissolves into a puddle of water if carried more than 10 feet from the steed.
The steed will remain for the next 10 hours before slowly dissolving into a puddle over the course of 1 minute, allowing the rider to dismount. However it will abruptly convulse into a mist if it takes any fire damage, is reduced to 0 hit points, or enters into an environment of extreme cold or extreme heat.
The steed uses the statistics for a warhorse, except it has a speed of 80 feet, and a swimming speed of 40 feet. You can ride it as any other well trained mount and it will do its best to avoid taking damage until you give it a command. When the steed is destroyed or reaches the end of its time it returns to the vial if it is open and will not form again for 1d4 days. If the vial is not open it will wait until the next dawn to attempt to return to the bottle before permanently leaving for the plane of water.
This dirty bag has 2d4+2 stained bone talismans inside it that give you an uneasy feeling if you have the bag open for too long.
Whenever you hold one of these talismans as an action you can make a DC 12 Intelligence(Arcana) check to attempt to concentrate on it. On a success you are able to see through all of the talismans, except the one you are holding, as if you were there, until you choose to stop, but can not see through your own eyes while doing so.
Curse. If there are too many talismans that are not covered or wrapped (such as in a bag or a cloth) you are overwhelmed by all the things you can see when you use one. You can safely view up to your spellcasting modifier, or your Constitution modifier if you are not a spellcaster. If the number of uncovered talismans is greater than this modifier, you take 1d10 psychic damage that can not be resisted or reduced in any way and 1 additional psychic damage for every uncovered talisman above your modifier. If this effect reduces you to 0 hit points you are transported to the plane of Pandemonium (or Xoriat).
This ring is a complicated tangle of copper and bronze oak leaves. It magically resizes to fit any finger you put it on.
This item holds 10 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn.
While attuned to this ring you can identify the type of any tree you can see, and have proficiency in Intelligence(Nature) checks.
Plane of Perpetual Autumn
While attuned with this ring you are aware of, and in control of, the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn. This demiplane is a lush deciduous forest with a giant oak many times larger than normal at the center. The trees in this forest are always beautiful warm tones with the occasional purple. You can walk for several miles in any direction before finding the edge of the demiplane. If you concentrate, you know of all creatures within the demiplane and where they are.
Ever-present Portal
As an action you can expend 2 charges to create a portal to the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn, or a portal from the demiplane to the Prime Material plane, that lasts for 1 hour or until you create another portal. This costs 1 less charge if you create the portal adjacent to a Huge or larger oak tree.
The portal you create is 5 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and is bordered by branches. You can expend an additional 2 charges to double the size of the portal.
When you create a portal to the Material Plane you can choose any location you are very familiar with, or a permanent teleport circle. When you create a portal to the demiplane you can choose any location within it.
If you create a portal in the same location for 8 consecutive days that portal becomes a permanent portal. A permanent portal can only be dispelled by
This looming grandfather clock has 5 faces arranged whimsically along its chestnut trunk. The primary face of this clock is a typical mundane mechanism, but the 4 smaller faces are magically aligned with different locations or planes.
You can cast a spell that allows vision or transport to another location, such as
If the target location does not have a concept of day and night, or the day/night cycle is longer than 48 hours, the clock face becomes blank, and will remain blank until aligned with a new location.
This stoppered flask sloshes with a cavernous echo as if its much larger than it appears and always weighs 2 pounds. As an action you can remove the stopper and pour out 1 gallon of fresh water. The water stops pouring out at the start of your next turn. The decanter holds 30 gallons of water in total, and can not be refilled by normal means.
This item is a rodent skull, weathered from years of exposure to the elements, with it’s mouth wired shut around a vial of water. Inside the vial you can see a pink lily bud floating on the surface. This bud always points towards the closest natural water source, no matter how far it is. If there is no natural water source on your plane of existence, the lilly will wilt and remain wilted until it returns to a plane with water.
This flashy amulet has an impressively large green emerald as it’s centerpiece and is ornamented with onyx and blackened steel. When you slip it over your head you can hear it speak to you, and know that it holds a fragment of a dragon’s consciousness within it.
Ancient Presence
When you are attuned to this amulet as you wear it it begins to change even your physical body the presence within it is so powerful. Over the course of a month jet black scales grow down your spine and your eyes become emerald green. You gain immunity to Acid damage, resistance to Poison damage, and Darkvision out to 120 feet. If you unattune from this amulet you lose these benefits, but your scales and eye color do not change back.
Caustic Soul
As an action if you are within the area of poisonous or harmful gases you can breathe in the toxins surrounding you and exhale a roiling stream of acid and poison 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 Acid damage and 4d8 Poison damage on a failed throw or half as much on a successful one. If breathing the gas in this way would cause you to make a saving throw you make that save with advantage and take no damage on a success.
Master of Fear
You can not be frightened by any creature with a CR less than or equal to 12. Additionally, any Adult or younger dragon that tries to use their Frightful Presence feature on you must instead make a saving throw against their own effect.
Sentience. Zerrndrock is a sentient neutral evil amulet with an Intelligence of 20, Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 24. It has proficiency in Insight, Deception, and Charisma saving throws, with a proficiency bonus of +6, and it has hearing and blindsight out to a range of 120 feet. The amulet can speak, and understand Common and Draconic, but can only communicate telepathically with its wearer. Its voice is low and rumbling but soothing in a way.
Personality. Zerrndrock speaks quietly but with authority that only comes with age and immense confidence. His only goal is resurrection and to be freed from the amulet. He is not friendly, and never will be, but will play the part of a wise grandfather giving sage advice and encouragement, or almost anything else including lying or getting the wearer killed if he thinks it will sway the wearer closer to his selfish goal. Doing what he must to gain trust is just a part of this scheme, even if he does not enjoy it. Zerrndrock is clever and has endless patience, and will never lash out or grow impatient unless he believes he is within reach of his centuries-long goal.
When you find this chainmail it appears to have a thin film over it and is trimmed with white fox fur. When you touch the armor it is immediately obvious that the film is frost as the metal is as cold as ice.
This item has 5 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
While you are attuned to this armor you have resistance to Cold damage and are impervious to extreme weather, both cold and hot. Additionally, you know the
Numbing Aura
All terrain around you in a 10 foot radius ices over with a magical frost and is considered difficult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius of frost moves with you but does not damage any plants or objects that it freezes. Additionally, any enemy creature that ends their turn on this ice can not take reactions until their next turn.
At the beginning of your turn you may choose to expend a charge to gain 1d4+1 temporary hit points at the beginning of each turn for the next 10 minutes as the armor slowly builds up its layer of frost.
Arctic Snap
As an action you may expend 2 charges as you snap your fingers to freeze the enemies around you. All enemy creatures within 30 feet of you must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they take 3d8 Cold damage and are Restrained for the next minute as ice races from your feet to clutch at their legs. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Restrained. A creature who is Restrained by this effect can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If you are not a spellcaster you use your Constitution modifier as your spellcasting ability for this effect.
This crystal circlet is a deep aqua crested with white and in its center is set a gold symbol.
When you attune to this item 6 spheres of water, each 3 feet across, manifest as if drawing the water from the air itself before shrinking to the size of a fist and orbiting your head.
This item has 6 charges, represented by the orbs of water, and regains all expended charges at dawn.
If you are not a caster all magical effects of this item use your Wisdom as your spellcasting ability. While you are attuned to this item you are able to breathe underwater as if it was dry land and have a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.
Ebb and Flow
While attuned to this item you know the cantrip
Tides of Battle
As an action you can expend a charge to fire a sphere of water at the ground. When it strikes the ground a wave of water splashes out in an area up to 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, and up to 10 feet tall. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 4d8 Bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t knocked prone. The water then spreads out across the ground in all directions, extinguishing unprotected flames within its area and within 30 feet of it.
Sphere of Influence
As an Attack action if you still have at least one charge remaining you may make a ranged spell attack against a target you can see within 30 feet. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the attack action this replaces one of them. When you do so one of the spheres of water orbiting you suddenly expands and flies towards the target before returning to its previous place and size. On a hit you deal 3d8 magical Bludgeoning damage.
This glass amulet is not polished as a glass bottle would be but is instead appears unfinished and crude. Beneath the rough surface you can see the flickering of a blazing fire and feel its warmth against your skin.
This amulet has 6 charges and regains all expended charges at dawn.
If you are not a caster all magical effects of this item use your Constitution as your spellcasting ability.
While wearing this amulet you have resistance to Cold damage and are not affected by extreme cold conditions. Additionally, you are immune to any magical fire that you create.
Undying Flames
While attuned to this amulet you know the
You can cast these cantrips as bonus actions, they do not require concentration, and their duration is considered indefinite. They last until you dispel them, you fall unconscious, or you cast them again.
Searing Aura
As a bonus action you can expend a charge to call upon the flames within the amulet and the air around you begins to shimmer with a sweltering heat. For the next minute any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d8 Fire damage.
Immolating Burst
As an action you can reach out your hand and expend a charge to cause a fiery outburst. The flames within the amulet pulse and a line of fire 5 feet wide and 30 feet long flares from your palm. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 5d8 Fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
From the jutting angles and rough texture of this snow white plate armor you can tell its obviously crafted from some form of chitin. The underside of each piece of plate is a spectacular orange and flares of color are visible through the chinks of the armor.
This armor has 3 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn. While attuned to and wearing this armor you are immune to the effects of extreme cold climates.
As an action you can expend a charge and when you do so the armor shudders slightly and all joints visibly tighten as you feel a sudden surge of heat. For the next minute any Fire damage you take is reduced by 10.
If you are ever swallowed while wearing this armor the creature that swallowed you must immediately make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure it regurgitates all swallowed creatures. On a success it instead makes all Constitution saving throws to keep you contained in its stomach with disadvantage.