This delicate white teacup is fit for a nobleman, but will not chip or crack. It has been rumored to have been originally found when it was flung through a window, carried from a shipment of china by a violent storm. While you are attuned to the teacup you can gain up to 5 charges that can be used to activate the magic of the teacup.
Calm Before the Storm
During a short rest if you drink tea from this teacup you regain all expended charges and your exhaustion decreases by 1 level. The tea can be of any type but must be hot when you drink it. You also regain 1 charge each long rest that you take.
As an action while raging you can expend a charge to attack your enemies with the strength of the storm. As the winds swirl around you you make long sweeping attacks at all enemies within 5 feet. All hostile creatures within range must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency + your strength modifier. On a failed save they take damage equivalent to two of your weapon attacks.
Heart of the Storm
When you activate your rage you can choose to expend all 5 charges to release the full power of the tempest. A 20-foot radius sphere of whirling air springs into existence centered on you that follows you until your rage ends. Each creature (not including you) that ends its turn in the sphere must succeed a Strength saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency + your strength modifier. On a failed save they take 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Additionally the sphere’s space is difficult terrain for all creatures besides you.
This miniature keg is sealed with blue wax and filled with a pint of bitter ale. After drinking all the contents you gain several effects for the next hour.
- You can see into the Ethereal Plane out to a range of 120 feet as a blue haze.
- You can see Invisible creatures and objects outlined in a halo of yellow light.
- You have Tremorsense out to a range of 120 feet.
- You are Poisoned even if you would normally be immune to the condition.
Each minute you are Poisoned in this way you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become Stunned for the next minute as you are overwhelmed by everything you see. If the Poisoned condition is removed, or after one hour, you lose all the above effects and gain a level of exhaustion.
This small censer is made from a deep green soapstone mottled with white and carved with vines of morning glory. Inside the same burlap sack in which it was found is a large selection of dried aromatics. When these aromatics are burned in the censor they magically reappear within the burlap pouch the next morning.
If you burn these aromatics during a long or short rest at the end of the rest all creatures who rested within 60 feet of the censor receives a magical effect, depending on what was burned. A creature can receive a number of magical effects equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) per day in this way. After a creature receives the maximum number of magical effects the aroma given off by the censor becomes repulsive and has no beneficial effect for the remainder of the day. All censor effects gained in this way expire at dawn.
- Pine Needles. The next 2d4 times you take 10 or less Piercing damage you instead take half damage as the attack bounces off your skin.
- Orange Blossoms. You lose 1 level of exhaustion as a feeling of energy fills your body.
- Forget-me-nots. This subtle scent calms your mind. The next Intelligence or Wisdom check (or saving throw) you make has advantage. In addition, until your next short rest anyone who tries to read your mind only sees a grassy field of forget-me-nots.
- Dried Mint Leaves. As a sense of mental alertness surrounds you, you gain +5 to all initiative rolls, and when you make a high jump can jump 5 feet higher than usual.
- Hickory Wood Shavings. Your eyes sting a bit in the wispy smoke, however, you are now able to see through magical darkness as if it is not even there.
- Crushed Cinnamon Bark. A bold scent overtakes your senses. You gain advantage on saving throws against Fear, and are able to nearly ignore any phobias you already have.
This light iron helm is painted in a quickly fading green and has small ivory wings jutting from each side.
Once per short rest as an action you can activate the helm and the wings begin beating until they almost blur and a faint hum can be heard.
When you activate the helmet you can immediately move up to 60 feet in a straight line. As the wind buffets your face you realize you are not teleporting, but actually running to the spot you envision in your mind.
While moving in this way you do not provoke attacks of opportunity and you are able to move across liquids.
The wings keep beating for a while after you activate the helmet, slowly winding down over time. For the next 10 minutes as a reaction on any creature’s turn you can gain 1 level of exhaustion to repeat the 60 foot movement. Exhaustion gained this way lasts until your next short rest.
These thick leather gloves go all the way up your forearms and cinch tightly above the elbow. The back of the hand is covered in a white filigree that gently spirals all the way up the glove and the palms are chill to the touch.While wearing these gloves you have resistance to Cold damage and even when Restrained, or Grappled by a creature Large or smaller, your movement speed can not drop below 10.
If you grapple a creature with both hands while you are wearing these gloves that creature takes 2d6 Cold damage each turn until they are no longer grappled. If they break the grapple they must roll a Constitution saving throw equal to 10 + your proficiency bonus. On a failure they are Restrained by ice until the beginning of their next turn.
As an action once per short rest you can activate the gloves and small particles of snow begin to swirl around you until suddenly the gloves turn into large gauntlets of blue ice. For the next minute your gauntlets are frozen solid but do not inhibit movement. While your gauntlets are frozen you can not be shoved or pushed magically and any enemy creature that ends their turn within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 Cold damage. Additionally, when you make an unarmed attack you can choose to deal Cold damage instead of Bludgeoning.
This item can only be described as an oversized top. It is nearly 2 feet tall, at least as wide, and covered in mottled red spiralling patterns. It is definitely more than a children’s plaything though, as when this top begins spinning large blades spring from the seams along it’s edges.
As an action you can pull the heavy cord wound through the top to start it spinning, and choose a direction for it to start moving. It moves 15 feet forward at the end of each of your turns and continues spinning for the next minute.
Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the top while its spinning takes 2d4 Slashing damage. When the top hits a creature in this way, a creature attacks it, or it collides with a solid object, it immediately bounces 5 feet in the opposite direction and it will continue moving in that direction on your next turn.
If the top ever enters difficult terrain or takes bludgeoning damage it falls over and stops spinning.
These translucent crystal chimes have a joyful tinkle as they sway in the wind.
Any creature that can hear these chimes while taking a long rest reduces their exhaustion level by 2 instead of 1.
Additionally, any creature within 30 feet that can hear these chimes has advantage on saving throws against being Frightened. After a creature gains advantage in this way they are no longer effected by the chimes until after their next long rest.
This large blue banner is decorated with a flaring yellow crest and mounted on the end of a 10 foot brass pole. As you hold it you can feel the same sense of self confidence that soldiers must when they know their standard is marching right behind them.
The banner has no effect unless it is held aloft by a creature. While holding this banner you can not make any attacks or cast any spells requiring somatic components. While held aloft the banner has an aura that affects all creatures within 250 feet that have either touched it in the last 24 hours, or are wearing a matching crest.
This magical item has 20 charges and regains 2d10 expended charges each day at dawn.
Symbol of Strength
Creatures affected by the banner are immune to being Frightened and any charm effect that would make them endanger another creature affected by the banner has no effect.
Bastion of Fortitude
Whenever a creature affected by this banner must make a saving throw that creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to half your charisma modifier rounded up (minimum of 1).
Surge of Hope
As an action you can wave the banner and expend any number of remaining charges to bolster that many creatures affected by the banner. Each bolstered creature gains temporary hit points equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier that last until the banner is no longer aloft. Additionally, they are immune to the effects Blinded, Deafened, and Poisoned, while the temporary hit points remain.
This black leather belt has a large brass buckle and blood stains deeply ingrained in it.
Once per long rest as an action, or at the same time you enter a rage if you have the Rage feature, you can activate the belt. As you do so the buckle begins bleeding as if it is alive, and your vision tints red. For the next minute you have disadvantage on all Intelligence checks and ability checks that rely on sight. Additionally, for the next minute each time you take damage unless the damage was dealt to your temporary hit points the belt gains 1 charge, up to 10 charges.
At the beginning of your turn you gain a number of temporary hit points that last 1 hour equal to the charges in the belt. At the end of the minute all charges in the belt are expended and you gain 1 level of exhaustion.
This urn is chipped from a single chunk of obsidian. It has a tightly fitting lid, weighs 4 pounds, and holds up to 1 gallon. It can contain any material or liquid no matter how hot, without cracking or even heating up, so long as it is sealed within the urn.
The urn has 5 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn, or 1 charge each hour it is filled with molten lava.
While you are attuned with the urn you are resistant to fire damage.
Additionally, when you speak the command word and expend a number of charges the urn begins to glow with a bright red light in the facets across its surface for the next minute.
For the duration you are immune to fire damage and any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of the urn must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15). The creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d6 for every charge expended above 1.
If you thrust the urn at a creature as an attack action that creature must make a saving throw or take damage as above. If you are able to make multiple attacks this replaces one of them.
To attune to this black grape-size seed you must swallow it. Over the course of 1 week a series of wooden growths protrude from your back along your spine. Several of these grow into four limber wooden appendages. As an Attack action you can make a melee attack with one of these limbs as if you are proficient, using either your Strength or Dexterity modifier. On a hit it deals 2d6, plus either your Strength or Dexterity modifier, Piercing damage. This damage counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. If you are able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action, this attack replaces one of them.
These limbs automatically regrow 1 minute after being seriously damaged or removed, and are each able to hold objects weighing up to 30 pounds. Additionally, you have a climbing speed equal to half your walking speed, and are able to move your full speed while prone, so long as these limbs are free.
Curse. Once swallowed the seed begins to grow, causing great pain in your upper back. For the next week you suffer 1 level of exhaustion which can not be removed even with