This looks like a simple red cloak but the size suggested it was made for a child. Inside the hood however is a magic circle sewn into the lining in vivid blue thread. The circle is divided into 8 segments, the last of which looks to be sewn with a different pattern. This cloak holds 8 charges, each represented by a segment within the hood of the cloak.
Each short rest the cloak regains up to 1 charge, and each long rest the cloak regains up to 7 charges.
Over The River
As a bonus action you can expend a charge to cast Misty Step, but instead of a silvery mist you are surrounded by a small flurry of autumn leaves and a babbling brook can be briefly heard.
Through The Woods
As an action if you are in wild unsettled territory, you can expend all 8 charges and choose a plane of existence (you may specify a target in general terms, such as the City of Brass on the Elemental Place of Fire or the palace of Dispater on the second level of the Nine Hells, and you appear in or near that destination at the DMs discretion). Alternatively, if you know the sigil sequence of a teleportation circle on another place of existence, you can choose that circle.
As you pick a location a small tree with red leaves and pale smooth bark shoots from the ground, rapidly encasing you before you disappear from sight within its foliage. The tree remains where you once were, forever growing in the plane you left.
Curse. This cloak is only able to regain the 8th charge by killing a creature to protect an innocent in danger and dripping the cloak with its blood. It can not recover the last charge by resting.
This dirty bag has 2d4+2 stained bone talismans inside it that give you an uneasy feeling if you have the bag open for too long.
Whenever you hold one of these talismans as an action you can make a DC 12 Intelligence(Arcana) check to attempt to concentrate on it. On a success you are able to see through all of the talismans, except the one you are holding, as if you were there, until you choose to stop, but can not see through your own eyes while doing so.
Curse. If there are too many talismans that are not covered or wrapped (such as in a bag or a cloth) you are overwhelmed by all the things you can see when you use one. You can safely view up to your spellcasting modifier, or your Constitution modifier if you are not a spellcaster. If the number of uncovered talismans is greater than this modifier, you take 1d10 psychic damage that can not be resisted or reduced in any way and 1 additional psychic damage for every uncovered talisman above your modifier. If this effect reduces you to 0 hit points you are transported to the plane of Pandemonium (or Xoriat).
This deep red coin pouch is stitched in gold thread and sinched with a black braided serpent carrying an onyx in it’s mouth.
When attuned with this item you can reach into it to pull out a number of copper, silver, or gold pieces that fit in your hand. You can pull out coins worth up 20 gold per day. If you attempt to pull out more than this in a day you must make a Constitution check DC 15. On a failure you reach in and pull your hand out empty handed, taking 1 Necrotic damage per coin you tried to grab.
Time Is Money
If you concentrate on the serpent’s onyx with the name of a destination in mind you, and up to eight willing creatures that are touching you, teleport to within eyesight of the destination that the name best describes as if using the spell
A Fool And His Gold
As a bonus action you can make any metal within a 5-foot cube in sight range appear as if it is actually gold. This does not change the properties of the metal in any way, and if a creature uses its action to examine it they can determine it is not gold with a succesful Intelligence (Investigation) check DC 18. This effect lasts as long as you are touching or able to see the metal.
Curse. After taking out 500 gold, or sleeping while touching this purse, the next night as you rest a Shadow Demon taking the form of a giant snake materializes 120 feet above you with the goal of swallowing the purse. If it succeeds it vanishes and after completing your next long rest you are cursed. If it fails, you get a vision of the current location of Minauros. This repeats each time the conditions are met until the demon succeeds.
When cursed a red and black snake tattoo manifests around your wrist, trailing down your arm. You are no longer considered attuned to the purse but can still use it’s abilities with a snap of your fingers so long as the tattoo remains. This tattoo lets Minauros know your location at all times. Additionally, when you use Time Is Money you now descend from a black maw in the sky, pouring down in a dark ichor that slowly seeps into the ground.
This wooden claw ring fits perfectly along the whole length of your first finger, and across its ridge is the moss covered bones of a humanoid’s finger. Once per day, while wearing this item, as an action you can touch a plant and telepathically ask it a single question. You get a telepathic response you can understand, so long as the plant is still healthy enough to answer.
Stages of Strength
Occasionally after using this ring its effects will grow stronger. If you can read Druidic etched into the ring you see “every time you speak with your roots, I will bring you closer to them”. These stages of strength are cumulative and the ring grants the new effects each time it advances while also keeping the previous effects, but only while wearing it. If you take off the ring you cant use its abilities until you put it back on, and any abilities that coincide with rests or the sun dont take effect again until your next rest.
You gain advantage on rolls against magical plant-based effects that would limit your movement such as
You gain the ability to move at your full movement speed in plant-based difficult terrain.
Your AC can no longer be less than 16, regardless of the armor you are wearing.
Spry Tree
If you spent at least 8 hours in the sun the previous day you wake up with 1d4+1 goodberries sprouting from the ring after each long rest, as if you cast the spell
Ancient One
If you stand perfectly still you are indistinguishable from a tree, and you can commune with plants around you.
After standing still for 1 hour you blend into your surroundings and can communicate an unlimited number of times with any plants within 30 feet, or plants who’s roots touch the roots of plants within range. This effect lasts as long as you remain still.
Curse. This curse is a multi-stage curse that slowly takes effect the more the wearer uses it. This curse does not reset for a creature when the ring is taken off, and can only be removed with a
Seedling: Suddenly you can no longer take the ring off, it feels as if the bones of the ring are becoming your own, and the moss begins to creep along the back of your hand.
Sprout: If you bleed, you notice your blood is no longer red but beginning to muddy, and you regularly find leaves and twigs in your hair. If you if you roll less than a 10 for your Initiative you start last.
Sapling: Your skin is darkening, and is rough to the touch, like bark. You take extra damage from sources of fire. If you were immune to fire you are now only resistant to fire. If you were resistant to fire, or had no resistance, you are now vulnerable to fire instead.
Spry Tree: Branches and leaves begin growing from your upper body, and your lower body is noticably thicker. Your base movement speed decreases by 10 feet and if you could naturally fly, you can no longer fly.
Ancient One: You are all but a plant yourself. Every long or short rest you must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure you spend the rest unconscious, with your arms spread wide. At the end of the rest you must repeat the saving throw. On a success you regain consciousness. On a failure, you are petrified as a tree, though your ability to communicate with plants remains. This petrification can be ended in the typical ways such as
This ring is a complicated tangle of copper and bronze oak leaves. It magically resizes to fit any finger you put it on.
This item holds 10 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn.
While attuned to this ring you can identify the type of any tree you can see, and have proficiency in Intelligence(Nature) checks.
Plane of Perpetual Autumn
While attuned with this ring you are aware of, and in control of, the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn. This demiplane is a lush deciduous forest with a giant oak many times larger than normal at the center. The trees in this forest are always beautiful warm tones with the occasional purple. You can walk for several miles in any direction before finding the edge of the demiplane. If you concentrate, you know of all creatures within the demiplane and where they are.
Ever-present Portal
As an action you can expend 2 charges to create a portal to the Demiplane of Perpetual Autumn, or a portal from the demiplane to the Prime Material plane, that lasts for 1 hour or until you create another portal. This costs 1 less charge if you create the portal adjacent to a Huge or larger oak tree.
The portal you create is 5 feet wide, 10 feet tall, and is bordered by branches. You can expend an additional 2 charges to double the size of the portal.
When you create a portal to the Material Plane you can choose any location you are very familiar with, or a permanent teleport circle. When you create a portal to the demiplane you can choose any location within it.
If you create a portal in the same location for 8 consecutive days that portal becomes a permanent portal. A permanent portal can only be dispelled by
This helmet is very notably missing any way to see out of it as its visor is completely solid, but it is overlaid with a multitude of artistically crafted eyes.
While wearing this helmet you have blindsight out to 60 feet and are blind beyond that radius. Blindsight allows you to see through obscured areas, magical and nonmagical darkness, and you can not be Blinded by most effects, but it does not allow you to see through walls or objects. This particular blindsight allows you to see creatures and objects easily, but things such as words on a page, or colors, are impossible. Creature’s basic emotions and health are expressed via color.
Additionally, creatures trying to determine your thoughts or mood via mundane means, such as an Insight check, have disadvantage while you are wearing this helmet.
Curse. If you doff this helmet after wearing it for an hour or longer, you are Blinded for 1 minute for each hour you were wearing it, up to 1 hour total. This effect can not be removed by
This looming grandfather clock has 5 faces arranged whimsically along its chestnut trunk. The primary face of this clock is a typical mundane mechanism, but the 4 smaller faces are magically aligned with different locations or planes.
You can cast a spell that allows vision or transport to another location, such as
If the target location does not have a concept of day and night, or the day/night cycle is longer than 48 hours, the clock face becomes blank, and will remain blank until aligned with a new location.
This dark pebble is etched with minute circular patterns and has a single ridge running around its circumference. When you hold it you feel as if the earth itself is whispering to you, suggesting you swallow the pebble to get closer to it and understand it better. When swallowed, you notice nothing at all for 1d4 days, until you feel a sudden chill and stiffening along your spine. Over the next few minutes your skin darkens and hardens. Fractured plates of stone grow from underneath your skin on your arms, ribs, and jutting along your spine across your back. You gain resistance to piercing, slashing, and lightning damage as well as tremorsense out to 30 feet. Additionally, as an action, if you put your ear to the ground and concentrate as if concentrating on a spell your tremorsense extends out to 500 feet until you move from that spot or lose concentration, whichever comes first.
Curse. Once your flesh has started turning to stone you have vulnerability to Thunder damage. Additionally, while within sight of your bound mountain (that the DM chooses) each morning you hear it whisper to you, calling you to it, and you must succeed on a DC 8 Wisdom saving throw or spend that day compelled to walk towards the base of the peak. This compulsion is not mind control, and you do nothing rash to follow it, but it is a constant distraction and pull while you are not trying to travel towards the mountains. These effects, including your skin’s appearance, can not be reversed except by a
This rough circlet chiseled from black ice has a single onyx set in its face and glistens a cold blue in the light. While you are attuned to this circlet you automatically succeed on saving throws against effects that would deal Necrotic damage and are resistant to psychic damage. Additionally, you know the cantrip
Curse. If you die while attuned with this circlet you rise 24 hours later as a corrupted version of your former self unless you are restored to life or your body is destroyed. This curse can only be removed while surrounded by Black Ice or by
This set of deep black and purple plate armor has some spiderwebs in it but otherwise is in pristine condition. This item has 3 charges and all expended charges recharge at dawn.
Arachnid Manipulation
While you are attuned to this armor you are able to convey basic commands and feelings to spiders and spider-like creatures allowing you to cast
Spider Summoner
As an action you can expend a charge to simultaneously cast
Curse. When you are near spiders you sometimes hear whispers from Lolth herself of things she wants you to do. Additionally, any charges that are not expended by midnight are automatically used at point(s) of the DM’s choice within range. Any creatures summoned in this way have no duration and are not under your control, though they will not be hostile towards you unless you attack them.
This spear is perfectly balanced, it’s shaft made from solid oak, and the tip gleams in the faintest of light. On a successful attack you can choose to deal either Piercing or Radiant damage and on a critical hit it deals an additional 2d6 Radiant damage. While attuned with this spear it has the property Thrown (60/180). If you throw and miss it immediately returns to your hand, but on a successful attack it returns at the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, you score a critical hit on a roll of 16 or higher when throwing this spear. This spear can not be broken except by a deity or avatar of a deity.
Eyes of Odin
Each of your eyes is able to see things you weren’t able to before by closing the other. If you look through your left eye you are able to read all written languages, and if you look through your right eye you can see ethereal and invisible creatures up to 60 feet away.
Curse. When you attune to this weapon you are wracked with immense pain in your right eye and when you are finally able to open it a void filled with stars gazes back from within your socket. When you look through your right eye you see everything as if viewing it from the Ethereal Plane. Your eye can not be restored except by intervention of a deity, but in return you keep the Eye of Odin feature even after un-attuning from this weapon.