If this large seed wasn’t covered in intricate carvings of leaves you might think that it was just another fruit pit someone threw out.
As you attune with this item it slowly begins to sprout, sending tendrils around your hands and arms.
As a bonus action while you are touching the seed you can command it to activate. When you do so the seed springs to life, covering you in armoring vines over the next turn. You can don the armor in this way once per short rest.
While wearing this armor you have an AC equal to 13 + your Dexterity modifier and if you know Druidic you can speak to the vines, gaining a climbing and crawling speed equal to your walking speed as the vines assist you. You can choose to doff the armor as a bonus action, causing the vines to shrivel and fall off by the end of your next turn, the seed returning to its dormant state.
This wooden shield is unpainted, instead covered in living vines, and has yet-living branches growing off it’s edges. While attuned with this shield you gain proficiency in Intelligence (Nature) checks if you were not proficient before and your proficiency bonus is doubled if you were already proficient. Additionally, you are able to understand plant creatures, and if you speak Druidic they can also understand you.
Canopy of Protection
While within 30 feet of a Huge or larger plant that is not hostile, you and any other creatures of your choice, have half cover while within range of the plant as the roots and branches reach out to your aid.
Shephard of the Forest
You can call to the plants around you as if you know each of them by name. If you spend 1 minute touching this shield against a Huge or smaller plant with an intelligence of 3 or less, it awakens. The target plant gains an intelligence of 10, and the ability to speak one language you know. It also gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it gains senses similar to a human’s. Your DM chooses Statistics appropriate for the awakened plant, such as the Statistics for the Awakened Shrub or the Awakened Tree. The awakened plant is initially friendly towards you but is not charmed or compelled to do as you ask. Once you have used this ability you can not use it again for the next 2d6 days.
This set of deep black and purple plate armor has some spiderwebs in it but otherwise is in pristine condition. This item has 3 charges and all expended charges recharge at dawn.
Arachnid Manipulation
While you are attuned to this armor you are able to convey basic commands and feelings to spiders and spider-like creatures allowing you to cast
Spider Summoner
As an action you can expend a charge to simultaneously cast
Curse. When you are near spiders you sometimes hear whispers from Lolth herself of things she wants you to do. Additionally, any charges that are not expended by midnight are automatically used at point(s) of the DM’s choice within range. Any creatures summoned in this way have no duration and are not under your control, though they will not be hostile towards you unless you attack them.
This rough semi-translucent crystal is nearly the size of a man’s head and quite difficult to see into but appears to have an ever-changing light show within its core. When you find it it has four smaller but almost identical crystals nearby.
All five of these crystals have hammered gold bands around them with large elemental runes chiseled into them. You can identify Fire, Cold, Acid, and Lightning runes on every crystal.
The main crystal holds 20 charges and regains up to 3d6 expended charges each day at dawn. The child crystals hold no charges, and instead consume charges from the main crystal.
While you are attuned to this item as a bonus action you may select a damage type from the runes. The selected type determines the type of all child crystals.
Any creature holding a child crystal, and within 120 feet of the main crystal, may expend a charge and envision striking a target they can see within 120 feet as a bonus action. When they do so a small shimmer flies through the air from the main crystal to the activated child crystal and a magic bolt streams towards the envisioned target dealing 1d4 damage of the selected element.
When a creature activates a child crystal as a reaction you may choose a number of charges to expend and fire that many additional bolts from their crystal at the target.
While holding the main crystal you roughly know where each child crystal is at all times as long as it is on the same plane of existance as you.
Each of the bucklers from this set has two spines, one on either side that slope to a razor sharp tip, giving it the shape of an eye. The main body of the bucklers has a hammered finish while the spines are both polished perfectly smooth. As you initially inspect the bucklers you can not find any way to wear them. There are no straps or handholds, simply an engraved name on the back of each buckler.
While you are are attuned to these bucklers and within 120 feet of them you can gesture or call to one or both of them as an action. When you do so they will fly to you if able, going around obstacles and creatures, before snapping into place on your forearms. They float several inches off your arm, moving with you as if they are attached.
They can not be moved from your arm unless you allow it. When you brush one or both of them off as a bonus action they will fall to the ground.
While wearing these bucklers you can not wield a shield but you gain +1 to your AC. Additionally, you can make melee attacks with proficiency using these bucklers as if they are a Light Finesse weapon and they deal 1d6 Piercing damage.
You see a bonsai tree within a simple glass enclosure. It has a well shaped clay dish and cork around its lip, sealing off the glass tube over the small tree. Despite the tree being completely enclosed you can see an obvious breeze swirling around the glass. When you pull the glass off there is a small burst of air and the breeze dissipates.
Each day the tree sheds a single leaf. This leaf does not wither no matter how long it dances along in the breeze within the bottle. Any leaf that is plucked from the tree has no special properties.
If one of these leaves is crushed or ripped
If more than three of these leaves are crushed or ripped
If there is ever more than 10 leaves in one place, or the bonsai container is opened when there is more than 10 leaves,
Timeless. On a successful DC 14 Nature check you estimate that this bonsai must be hundreds of years old, and is in excellent condition, yet you see no signs of it needing to be watered. You reason that it must somehow subsist on sunlight alone within its glass enclosure.
You find a roughly-hewn branch with a cork stopper in one end. Inside is a yellowed parchment with a song written on it in druidic.
You are able to sing this ballad perfectly so long as you are able to read it, almost as if you have always known it. If you sing the entire song during a long or short rest, and are in an area suitable for growing plants, vines and saplings begin to spring from the ground with the tallest tendrils stretching to meet your hands like flowers stretch towards the sun.
You may choose one piece of the plants to help you before they stop growing.
Leaves. You take three small shoots with a leaf on them. You can sing a portion of the ballad while placing one of these leaves over a wound as an action. When you do so it will heal the creature for 1d4 hit points before becoming non-magical.
Young tendrils. You take several young tendrils and they wind themselves together into a whip. On a successful hit with this whip you can choose to sing a portion of the ballad as a bonus action. When you do so the tendrils spring to life wrapping around the creature and any terrain nearby before becoming non-magical. The target creature is Restrained and must make a DC 13 Strength check at the end of each of its turns to free itself.
Mature vine. You take a single mature vine, around 15 feet in length when uncurled. As an action if you begin to sing a portion of the ballad it will slowly writhe and begin to grow once again. It can grasp onto any stationary object of your choice within 15 feet or any inanimate object of your choice it is touching. After it latches on it becomes a non-magical vine 50 feet long and is strong enough to hold up to 500 pounds.
This appears to be a wooden gauntlet made from gnarled oak and a tough brown fabric. Each of the solid wooden slabs fastened to the back of the gauntlet has a different rune on it and on its front it has a circular hole cut from the palm. This gauntlet holds 5 charges and regains 1 expended charge each morning at dawn.
If you are within arm’s reach of a tree as an action you can expend a change and press your hand against the tree to draw a weapon or ammunition from it. This can be any weapon you are proficient with or 1d4 pieces of ammunition for any weapon you are proficient with. The look and feel of the weapon differs slightly depending on the type of tree you pull it from but it does not affect its function in any meaningful way.
On a critical failure with any weapon created this way, or after 1 day without being submerged in water, it splinters into pieces.
If you spend an action to return a weapon created this way (that has not splintered) to any tree within arms reach, the gauntlet regains an expended charge.
This small censer is made from a deep green soapstone mottled with white and carved with vines of morning glory. Inside the same burlap sack in which it was found is a large selection of dried aromatics. When these aromatics are burned in the censor they magically reappear within the burlap pouch the next morning.
If you burn these aromatics during a long or short rest at the end of the rest all creatures who rested within 60 feet of the censor receives a magical effect, depending on what was burned. A creature can receive a number of magical effects equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) per day in this way. After a creature receives the maximum number of magical effects the aroma given off by the censor becomes repulsive and has no beneficial effect for the remainder of the day. All censor effects gained in this way expire at dawn.
- Pine Needles. The next 2d4 times you take 10 or less Piercing damage you instead take half damage as the attack bounces off your skin.
- Orange Blossoms. You lose 1 level of exhaustion as a feeling of energy fills your body.
- Forget-me-nots. This subtle scent calms your mind. The next Intelligence or Wisdom check (or saving throw) you make has advantage. In addition, until your next short rest anyone who tries to read your mind only sees a grassy field of forget-me-nots.
- Dried Mint Leaves. As a sense of mental alertness surrounds you, you gain +5 to all initiative rolls, and when you make a high jump can jump 5 feet higher than usual.
- Hickory Wood Shavings. Your eyes sting a bit in the wispy smoke, however, you are now able to see through magical darkness as if it is not even there.
- Crushed Cinnamon Bark. A bold scent overtakes your senses. You gain advantage on saving throws against Fear, and are able to nearly ignore any phobias you already have.
This odd contraption is composited of a small crystal orb set within a larger metal semi-sphere. As a bonus action you can press the button recessed into the metal sphere to activate it. The turn after it has been activated the orb levitates until it is 20 feet in the air, or as high as the above terrain will allow, and begins spinning as it glows a soft orange. Each turn it will make a ranged spell attack against the nearest creature it can see within range. It has a +5 spell attack modifier, a range of 30 feet for every 5 feet it is above the ground, and on a hit it deals 2d6 fire damage. After 10 minutes, or firing 10 times, it stops glowing, falls to the ground, and can not be activated again until the next dawn.
This dark gray heathered cloak is unusually stiff, even more so than the starched capes of nobles, and on closer inspection you surmise that it has a tight weave of wires of varying thicknesses throughout it. It weighs about 6 pounds and will not tear.
While wearing this cloak as a bonus action you can pull it over you to shield yourself. Until the beginning of your next turn you have resistance to piercing and slashing damage but are considered Restrained by the stiff material.