A fizzing clear liquid fills this small flask the size of two thumbs. If it is consumed the creature that consumed it suffers from the condition Poisoned until their next long rest and must make a Constitution saving throw DC 14 every minute for the next hour. On a failure the creature is paralyzed. On a success if they are paralyzed they are no longer paralyzed. After three successful saves (they do not have to be consecutive) or after 1 hour the effect ends and the creature is no longer paralyzed, however they remain Poisoned.
This deck of sturdy playing cards have a beautiful abstract design and when inspecting them you can see an endless void through their suits. While counting or shuffling this deck it is easy to lose track of where you are. As an action you may draw a card and activate it by placing it against a vertical surface at least 5-foot square within reach. When activated a card opens up an interdimensional hallway. You can choose how for this hallway goes; For instance “until the other side of this wall”, or “250 feet”, however the maximum distance traveled is the value of the drawn card times 50 feet. Numbered cards’ values are equal to their number, while face and ace card values are 10 and 15 respectively. After a card is activated its suits fade. A faded card has a value of 2 when activated again, regardless of its actual number or type. Once all cards in the deck have been activated this item becomes a mundane deck of playing cards.
Interdimensional Hallways
Interdimensional hallways created by this deck are always one tenth the length on the inside as they are on the outside, so a 100 foot hallway would only take 10 feet to travel through. These hallways are not visible or tangible in any way from outside them except for the one-way doors at each end and last for one hour or until one of the doors is destroyed. If a door is destroyed before it collapses creatures in the hallway must make a DC 12 Dexterity Saving throw. On a failure they take 2d10 bludgeoning damage and are expelled out of the hallway from the closest door; However, on a critical failure the creature is transported to another plane or demiplane of the DM’s choice instead. On a success they take half as much damage and can choose which door they are expelled from.
This pouch of coarse yellow powder smells almost sickly sweet but has no noticeable taste. When dissolved into a liquid it keeps it from souring or going bad for an additional 3 days the first time it is added, but its effects are removed by
This pouch contains enough for up to 10 gallons of liquid.
This fan has a beautifully engraved case of brass and each time you open it has a different vibrant design on its face.
As a bonus action you can open this fan, which stays open for the next minute or until you close it again. When you open the fan its design, which corresponds to an element, is chosen randomly by rolling a d6. The elements are as follows: Acid, Cold, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, and Radiant.
After opening this fan if you use it as a spellcasting focus to cast a spell of 1st level or higher that deals Fire damage, you can replace half of the spell’s damage dice (rounded down) with the damage type chosen by the fan.
This miniature keg is sealed with blue wax and filled with a pint of bitter ale. After drinking all the contents you gain several effects for the next hour.
- You can see into the Ethereal Plane out to a range of 120 feet as a blue haze.
- You can see Invisible creatures and objects outlined in a halo of yellow light.
- You have Tremorsense out to a range of 120 feet.
- You are Poisoned even if you would normally be immune to the condition.
Each minute you are Poisoned in this way you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become Stunned for the next minute as you are overwhelmed by everything you see. If the Poisoned condition is removed, or after one hour, you lose all the above effects and gain a level of exhaustion.
This small wooden barrel is made of polished oak and is wrapped with brass bands. It looks like it would hold about 5 gallons but when you pour liquids into this barrel it seems to never overflow. It can hold 200 up to gallons, though it will never weigh more than 50 pounds, regardless of how much is in it. If you attempt to store anything except a liquid in the barrel it will only hold 1 cubic foot of material.
If you leave it sealed for an entire month, no matter what liquid was poured into the barrel it will be a stout ale of the same volume when poured out.
Placing this barrel inside an extradimensional space created by a Portable Hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items in a massive explosion of ale and light. Any creature within 10 feet of the barrel when it explodes becomes completely drunk and is Poisoned for a number of hours equal to 10 minus their Constitution modifier, even if they would otherwise be immune to the condition.
This deck of cards features a well dressed creature from a different profession or walk of life on each card.
As an action you can draw a card from the deck, changing all your clothing, but not your belongings, to match the creature on the card. This clothing fits well, no matter your race or build, and this change lasts until midnight, you draw another card, or
Suits and Sashes
Numbers are everyday professions, anything from a cobbler or a blacksmith to a clergy member or librarian. Faces are nobility or high ranking individuals. If you draw an Ace you can choose what your outfit is, even an exact match of another creature’s outfit you have seen before. Additionally, you gain a bonus while wearing this outfit based on the suit drawn.
Hearts. You have advantage on Charisma(Persuasion) checks and Wisdom(Insight) checks.
Diamonds. You have advantage on Charisma(Performance) checks and Intelligence(Arcana) checks.
Clubs. You have advantage on Charisma(Intimidation) checks and Strength(Athletics) checks.
Spades. You have advantage on Charisma(Deception) checks and Wisdom(Perception) checks.
This potion is carefully concocted out of a mixture of different mushrooms found only in the deepest caves. When you drink this potion for the next 10 minutes your walking speed increases by 15 feet, you have a +5 to Perception checks, you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and have up to three reactions which can be used for opportunity attacks.
This cheery red pouch has 4d6+4 chalky white pellets in it when you find it. If you cup one or more pellets in your hands and concentrate on them while imagining a taste of a specific food or ingredient they will change color to match that food. The longer you concentrate the stronger the color, and flavor, becomes. When ground or crushed the aroma of the imagined food fills the air, and the resulting powder from the crushed bead tastes exactly as you imagined it.
The flavors you can create are limited only by your imagination, but if your memory or imagination are not clear enough the flavor you get may be of poor quality.
This acorn is nearly as large as a man’s fist and very heavy for its size. You can use an action to slam it into the ground and the moment you do so it sprouts and begins putting out roots. At the beginning of your next turn the acorn suddenly grows into a 30-foot tall tree appropriate to the area. When this tree appears all creatures within 15 feet must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw as the trunk and branches rapidly expand, taking 3d10 bludgeoning and 3d10 piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
After this tree finishes it’s rapid growth it is just like any other tree, and will continue to grow at a normal pace.
You can see vines pressing up against the sides of this large vial even through the dirty liquid inside it. If you throw this vial when it shatters it immediately covers a 20-foot radius in a mass of vines and small plant life. All creatures in this radius when the vial shatters must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained. A creature restrained by the vines, or one that can touch a creature restrained by the vines, can use its action to make a DC 14 Strength check. On a success, the target is no longer restrained. Additionally, the area now covered in vines and plants is considered difficult terrain.