You find a cigar box painted a deep red with intricate mahogany trimmings. Inside is several dozen miniature swords. They are about 5 inches long and far too small for anyone but maybe a fairy to hope to use them.
While attuned to this item as an action you can open the box and scatter the swords. When you do so the swords will levitate just before hitting the ground and then start to rise as they enlarge to full sized longswords, surrounding you in a sparse 10 foot sphere for the next hour.
After the hour is up they fall to the ground and shrink back to their original size. If you open the box they will slowly float into it, saving you the trouble of picking them all up.
Once you have used this feature you can not use it again until you complete a long or short rest.
While the swords are surrounding you, you have Half Cover against ranged attacks, you can make an opportunity attack against any creature that leaves this sphere without expending your Reaction, or as a Reaction you can make an opportunity attack against any creature entering this sphere. Additionally, when you would make a melee attack you can choose to target any creature adjacent to, or inside, this sphere of swords with a magical longsword attack instead.
This black hooded cape has a mantle of iridescent raven feathers on its shoulders and is trimmed with a similarly iridescent ribbon. This item has 4 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at sunset, or 1 charge for each raven sacrificed.
As an action you can expend a charge to activate the cloak and a billowing plume of phantom ravens erupts from the mantle. The ravens spread into a 60-foot radius sphere centered on you and move with you for the next minute before disappearing. This area is considered lightly obscured and spreads around corners.
While these ravens surround you, you gain the following benefits:
You always know how many small or larger creatures are within the cloud of ravens, but not what creatures, or where they are.
Additionally, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Finally, as an action you can command these ravens to attack a creature within the radius. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 14. On a failure they take 4d4 Psychic damage and are Blinded until the beginning of their next turn. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Blinded.
This black cloak has a hint of blue with silvered threads dashing through it. When in motion it appears as if the threads are electrical energy crackling off the fabric. Inside the hood a silver insignia of Talos has been carefully stitched. This cloak has 12 charges and regains all charges at dawn.
While wearing this cloak you know the cantrip
Winds of Change
As an action you can expend a number of charges to create a vortex of howling winds. When you do so choose one 5 foot space within 120 feet for each charge. Large or smaller creatures within 15 feet of a target space, but not in a target space, must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from the nearest targeted space.
Energizing Presence
All allies within 10 feet, including yourself, are affected by the energy pulsing around you and have a +5 bonus to initiative.
Additionally, as a reaction you can expend a charge to grant one creature you can see advantage on Dexterity or Strength saving throws until the end of their next turn.
Lightning Mastery
When you cast a spell that deals Lightning damage the air around you tingles with energy. You may choose a number of enemy creatures up to the level of the spell slot expended within 30 feet of you. Each target creature takes 1d4+1 Lightning damage as tendrils of electricity reach out from your robe.
This amulet is three golden eyes hung on a set of three connected chains. A large eye, half closed over a ruby, and two smaller eyes just above it on either side.
While wearing this amulet when you make an opportunity attack against a creature you may make up to two additional opportunity attacks before the beginning of your next turn so long as you do not make more than one opportunity attack against any creature.
Additionally, as a bonus action you can activate the amulet and the two small eyes snap open. When you do so you gain Truesight out to a range of 30 feet for the next 10 minutes. During this time you can not suffer from the condition Blinded. This feature can not be used again until the next dawn.
Curse. When a creature puts this amulet over their head it tightens around their temples and the largest eye snaps open. It cannot be taken off unless the curse is removed and the chains cannot be broken despite their dainty appearance.
While wearing this charm you automatically fail saving throws against being Blinded, and have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against Beholders, Death Tyrants and Spectators. If you are charmed by any of these creatures the duration of the charm is permanent unless the curse is removed or the enchantment is broken by
This rough semi-translucent crystal is nearly the size of a man’s head and quite difficult to see into but appears to have an ever-changing light show within its core. When you find it it has four smaller but almost identical crystals nearby.
All five of these crystals have hammered gold bands around them with large elemental runes chiseled into them. You can identify Fire, Cold, Acid, and Lightning runes on every crystal.
The main crystal holds 20 charges and regains up to 3d6 expended charges each day at dawn. The child crystals hold no charges, and instead consume charges from the main crystal.
While you are attuned to this item as a bonus action you may select a damage type from the runes. The selected type determines the type of all child crystals.
Any creature holding a child crystal, and within 120 feet of the main crystal, may expend a charge and envision striking a target they can see within 120 feet as a bonus action. When they do so a small shimmer flies through the air from the main crystal to the activated child crystal and a magic bolt streams towards the envisioned target dealing 1d4 damage of the selected element.
When a creature activates a child crystal as a reaction you may choose a number of charges to expend and fire that many additional bolts from their crystal at the target.
While holding the main crystal you roughly know where each child crystal is at all times as long as it is on the same plane of existance as you.
This mahogany grinder has a simple oak inlay and is smooth from use. When the handle is turned new well ground fresh spices come out as you would expect, but it seems like it’s never the same spice twice.
This grinder has 3 charges and it regains all charges on a short rest.
You can turn the handle of the grinder either clockwise or counterclockwise, expending a charge each time you do so. When the handle is turned roll 1d10 to determine the spice that is ground. Clockwise, and the spices nicely fall from the grinder with no special effects. Counter-clockwise and after a small delay large shards of spices spew from the mouth of grinder up to 15 feet away affecting anything they hit in strange ways. You can make an ranged attack against a creature within range and on a hit the spice effect takes place. If you have multiple attacks this replaces one of them.
- Salt.The target creature takes 1d4 Piercing damage and is compelled to attack you with its next attack.
- Peppercorn. The target takes 1d4 Fire damage and 1d4 Piercing damage from the spicy shards.
- Paprika. The target feels a burning sensation and must succeed an Intelligence saving throw DC 12 or use their next action to try to “put out the fire”.
- Nutmeg. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 12 or be Charmed for the next minute or until they take damage.
- Thyme. Spines of dried thyme pierce the target doing 1d10 Piercing damage.
- Oregano. A small 5 foot cloud of oregano forms around the target Blinding them until the end of their next turn or until they move out of the cloud.
- Cloves. Whole cloves pummel the target, dealing 1d10 Bludgeoning damage.
- Ginger. The target creature is overcome by the zing of ginger and must use their reaction to move 5 feet in any direction if they are able to move.
- Mint. The creature feels an immense chill surround them. They take 1d8 Cold damage.
- All Spice. The aroma is almost overwhelming. Roll twice on this table, if a 10 is rolled again you must re-roll that result. This effect only consumes 1 charge.
This metal rod is about 4 feet long and straight most of the way down before telescoping to a small metal foot. It has two handles welded to the top that look like they were hacked off of a teapot, and two folding flaps attached just before the shaft begins tapering.
When you press down on the rod the tapering section resists but eventually collapses in on itself as if it has a complex spring mechanism underneath it. As a bonus action you can unfold the flaps and stand on them, one foot on each side of the rod, and as you do so you begin to bounce slightly.
Whenever you jump while riding the jumping stick you add 1d6 to your jump height or length. If this roll is lower than your dexterity modifier you can instead use your dexterity modifier. While riding the jumping stick if you enter rough terrain or fail a dexterity saving throw you automatically fall prone. However, enemies have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity against you.
These three silver rings are elegantly simple but subtly different from each other. They magically adjust to fit your first finger, second finger, and thumb. All three are etched with incredibly detailed vines and leaves on both the inside and outside. While attuned as an action you can call out to one or more rings to activate them or deactivate them. When activated each ring expands to a large razor sharp chakram in your hand, still etched with their designs which enlarge with them. These chakram are melee weapons that have the properties thrown (range 30/120), finesse, and deal 1d6 slashing damage. As a bonus action you can call to one or more chakram and they will return to your hand if possible, moving around obstacles and creatures to do so.
This rectangular shield of blackened iron has a maze of deep grooves in it stained a dull red. As a reaction to being hit by an attack you can activate the shield. When you activate the shield you feel a sharp pang in your hand and forearm and the grooves in the shield glow a sickly red as a dark barrier of magical force surrounds you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and are lightly obscured.
Curse. Every time you activate Bloodwraught it gains a charge, and you take 1d8 Necrotic damage for each charge Bloodwraught has. These charges reset each day at dawn.
This armor has a reinforced metal cylinder attached at the nape of the neck, and sprouting from it are several tendrils reaching to the armor’s reinforced pauldrons. As a reaction to taking acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you may activate the armor and gain one charge. Until the beginning of your next turn you have resistance to the damage type of the triggering attack and gain one additional charge each time you are hit by this damage type. All unexpended charges are harmlessly vented from the canister each day at dawn.
As an action you may expend up to 10 charges to make all other creatures within a 10-foot radius to make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, as energy is violently discharged from the pauldrons. Each creature takes 1d6 Force damage per charge expended on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
The Matador’s Mantle is a gaudy short red cape with gilded edges and intricate stitching. As a bonus action while wearing this cape, you can spend 15 feet of movement to move 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.