Tag Cloud

+Bonus | 3Abberation | 1Acid | 2Advantage | 10Alcohol | 1Alignment | 1Ammunition | 2Angelic | 3Animal Handling | 1Antimagic | 1Arctic | 8Armor | 1Armor Class | 6Artificer | 3Attack of Opportunity | 6Augmier | 9Aura | 7Auto Fail | 1Barrier | 1Bastion | 4Battlefield Control | 5Beast | 1Binding | 1Bird | 2Blinded | 16Blindsight | 4Blood | 3Bludgeoning | 3Body Modification | 5Bonus Action | 29Breathing | 6Bubbles | 1Burrow | 1Cantrips | 6Cave | 8Challenge Rating | 2Charges | 1Charisma | 3Charmed | 8Climate | 2Climbing | 1Clothing | 2Cold | 11Compass | 4Components | 1Concentration | 9Cone | 1Constitution | 1Consumable | 1Container | 1Contested | 1Control | 1Copy | 1Craek | 4Creation | 2Creature Type | 1Critical | 5Critical hit | 1Crystal | 1Curse Purge | 1Cursed | 38DM Choice | 1Damage | 1Darkness | 5Darkvision | 2Dash | 1Daylight | 3Deafened | 4Death | 3Deck | 4Deity | 5Demiplane | 2Derrahk | 3Desert | 9Difficult Terrain | 6Dim Light | 5Dimensions | 3Disadvantage | 8Disengage | 2Divination | 2Divine | 10Dodge | 1Dragon | 3Drink | 1Druidic | 3Dual | 1Dwarven | 2Elemental | 7Elven | 1Elytriss | 2Environment | 2Ethereal | 2Ethereal Plane | 3Evolving | 1Exhaustion | 9Expanding | 1Explosion | 1Extra Appendages | 1Extreme Cold | 4Extreme Heat | 2Extreme Temperature | 3Falling | 2Familiar | 2Fashion | 1Fiend | 4Fire | 6Flight | 1Flower | 1Flying | 1Focus | 1Food | 1Force | 2Forest | 12Freezing | 1Frightened | 9Full Cover | 1G'nehr | 5Gems | 1Giant | 1Gnomish | 4Gold | 2Grapple | 6Growth | 2Half Cover | 1Healing | 3Heavily Obscured | 3Heavy | 2Help | 3Hidden Property | 1Hiding | 1High Altitude | 1History | 1Hit Dice | 2Hit Points | 2Ice | 8Illusions | 2Imagination | 1Immunity | 2Imprisonment | 1Incapacitated | 4Infernal | 3Initiative | 2Insect | 1Intelligence | 7Invisbility | 1Invisibile | 1Invisibility | 1Invisible | 2Ioun | 2Jump | 1Jumping | 2Language | 3Lava | 1Legendary Action | 1Lich | 3Life | 1Light | 15Lightly Obscured | 5Lightning | 9Line | 1Living | 2Location | 1Long Duration | 2Long Recharge | 4Long Rest | 18Lore | 1Loud | 1Many | 9Many Effects | 9Marsh | 8Mechanical | 1Mediocre | 17Melee | 1Metal | 1Money | 1Mount | 1Mountain | 7Movement | 29Multiple | 1Music | 5Myconid | 1Mystery | 1Mythology | 7Nature | 53Navigation | 4Necrotic | 5Next Dawn | 2Noisy | 5Non-metal | 2Obscured | 8Ocean | 1Oozes | 2Orb | 2Outline | 2Oversize | 1Pamsprei | 3Paralyzed | 2Partner | 1Perception | 5Performance | 1Petrified | 2Phantom | 1Piercing | 3Planar | 9Plants | 6Poison | 3Poisoned | 6Polymorph | 1Possess | 1Proficiency | 1Prone | 7Psychic | 1Pull | 1Race | 1Radiant | 2Random | 2Reach | 4Reaction | 8Reduce | 1Regeneration | 1Religion | 2Resistance | 12Resistant | 1Restrained | 15Resurrection | 1Reynier | 5Ritual | 2Sand | 6Saving Throw | 1Seed | 3Sentience | 1Sentient | 5Shapeshifter | 2Shapeshifting | 5Shelter | 2Shield | 1Short Rest | 18Sickle | 1Sight | 5Silence | 3Size | 1Sleight of Hand | 1Snake | 1Snow | 1Sound | 4Speak to Dead | 1Special Attunement | 5Special Casting | 4Special Curse | 1Spell Altering | 1Spellcasting | 42Spellcasting Focus | 5Spider | 3Stealth | 1Stone | 10Storage | 4Strength | 1Stunned | 6Suffocating | 1Summoning | 7Sunlight | 1Swamp | 8Teleportation | 7Temperature | 3Temporary Hit Points | 7Terrain | 6Terran | 1Thrown | 2Thunder | 6Time | 1Timer | 4Tracking | 1Tradeoff | 11Transformation | 2Transforming | 3Trap | 1Tree | 1Tremorsense | 2Truesight | 5Unarmed | 6Unconscious | 2Undead | 16Underdark | 8Underwater | 2Unique Character | 31Unique Recharge | 2Vampire | 2Vehicle | 1Visibility | 4Vision | 5Vulnerability | 1Vulnerable | 1Wall | 2Water | 9Weapon | 1Weather | 2Weight | 2Winter | 1Wisdom | 2Wood | 1Writing | 1