This flashy amulet has an impressively large green emerald as it’s centerpiece and is ornamented with onyx and blackened steel. When you slip it over your head you can hear it speak to you, and know that it holds a fragment of a dragon’s consciousness within it.
Ancient Presence
When you are attuned to this amulet as you wear it it begins to change even your physical body the presence within it is so powerful. Over the course of a month jet black scales grow down your spine and your eyes become emerald green. You gain immunity to Acid damage, resistance to Poison damage, and Darkvision out to 120 feet. If you unattune from this amulet you lose these benefits, but your scales and eye color do not change back.
Caustic Soul
As an action if you are within the area of poisonous or harmful gases you can breathe in the toxins surrounding you and exhale a roiling stream of acid and poison 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 Acid damage and 4d8 Poison damage on a failed throw or half as much on a successful one. If breathing the gas in this way would cause you to make a saving throw you make that save with advantage and take no damage on a success.
Master of Fear
You can not be frightened by any creature with a CR less than or equal to 12. Additionally, any Adult or younger dragon that tries to use their Frightful Presence feature on you must instead make a saving throw against their own effect.
Sentience. Zerrndrock is a sentient neutral evil amulet with an Intelligence of 20, Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 24. It has proficiency in Insight, Deception, and Charisma saving throws, with a proficiency bonus of +6, and it has hearing and blindsight out to a range of 120 feet. The amulet can speak, and understand Common and Draconic, but can only communicate telepathically with its wearer. Its voice is low and rumbling but soothing in a way.
Personality. Zerrndrock speaks quietly but with authority that only comes with age and immense confidence. His only goal is resurrection and to be freed from the amulet. He is not friendly, and never will be, but will play the part of a wise grandfather giving sage advice and encouragement, or almost anything else including lying or getting the wearer killed if he thinks it will sway the wearer closer to his selfish goal. Doing what he must to gain trust is just a part of this scheme, even if he does not enjoy it. Zerrndrock is clever and has endless patience, and will never lash out or grow impatient unless he believes he is within reach of his centuries-long goal.