This ancient ash branch has a startling number of eyes carved into its knots and gnarls.
The staff has 10 charges and regains 1d8+2 expended charges each day at dawn.
While attuned to this staff as an action you can expend a charge to heighten your senses for the next hour. During this time you can not be surprised, and you have a +5 to your passive Wisdom(Perception) and checks.
Additionally, as a reaction to a creature using a feature or ability that would inflict the condition Frightened you can expend a number of charges to cast
This dirty bag has 2d4+2 stained bone talismans inside it that give you an uneasy feeling if you have the bag open for too long.
Whenever you hold one of these talismans as an action you can make a DC 12 Intelligence(Arcana) check to attempt to concentrate on it. On a success you are able to see through all of the talismans, except the one you are holding, as if you were there, until you choose to stop, but can not see through your own eyes while doing so.
Curse. If there are too many talismans that are not covered or wrapped (such as in a bag or a cloth) you are overwhelmed by all the things you can see when you use one. You can safely view up to your spellcasting modifier, or your Constitution modifier if you are not a spellcaster. If the number of uncovered talismans is greater than this modifier, you take 1d10 psychic damage that can not be resisted or reduced in any way and 1 additional psychic damage for every uncovered talisman above your modifier. If this effect reduces you to 0 hit points you are transported to the plane of Pandemonium (or Xoriat).
This cloak is made from a deep purple hide so unique you can only assume comes from an otherworldly being.
While wearing the cloak you always know the location of all creatures within 15 feet of you if they would be visible to you. This effect applies even while unconscious, and when a creature enters this radius for the first time if you are sleeping you can make a DC 10 Constitution check to attempt to wake up.
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom(Insight) checks to check if a creature is lying to you, though you only know if they are or not, not what they might be lying about.
Curse. Each night there is a 5% chance you perceive a creature moving near you but if you wake up nothing is there. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving throws against being Frightened, and automatically fail saving throws against Fear Ray from Beholders, Death Tyrants, and Spectators.
This charm has 1d6+2 eyes affixed to its fleshy surface and if you watch them long enough you will see one occasionally dart back and forth.
As an action you can crush an eye on the charm to cast
When all 6 eyes are crushed the charm lets out a shriek before shriveling into a husk.
This helmet is very notably missing any way to see out of it as its visor is completely solid, but it is overlaid with a multitude of artistically crafted eyes.
While wearing this helmet you have blindsight out to 60 feet and are blind beyond that radius. Blindsight allows you to see through obscured areas, magical and nonmagical darkness, and you can not be Blinded by most effects, but it does not allow you to see through walls or objects. This particular blindsight allows you to see creatures and objects easily, but things such as words on a page, or colors, are impossible. Creature’s basic emotions and health are expressed via color.
Additionally, creatures trying to determine your thoughts or mood via mundane means, such as an Insight check, have disadvantage while you are wearing this helmet.
Curse. If you doff this helmet after wearing it for an hour or longer, you are Blinded for 1 minute for each hour you were wearing it, up to 1 hour total. This effect can not be removed by
This ancient staff carved from stout oak is without any ornamentation beyond its natural gnarls and twists, and a small inscription. If you are able to read Elven you can gather that it was created for a crusade to heal the forests and restore balance that was lost. This staff has 8 charges and regains 1d8 expended charges each day at dawn.
Reach of Infinite Branches
When you cast
Tangled Canopy
You know the cantrip
Roots of The Great Oak
If you expend a charge and spend 1 minute concentrating you can cast
Branches’ Blessing
As an action you can expend a charge while touching a Large tree or plant in a swamp or dead forest to stimulate it to grow so long as it is still standing. Within one hour you can notice it’s bark being restored, and buds beginning to form. You regain any charges you expended to heal a plant in this way after your next long or short rest.
While wearing these blue-lensed goggles you are able to see in any dim light as if it were bright light, and you are able to see through snow and blizzards with ease. You do not have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, and do not suffer from the Blinded condition, if it would be caused by ice, snow, or other cold weather effects.
This simple crown made of ice, enchanted to never thaw or crack, is set with rough diamonds and sapphires. This item has 3 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at dawn.
While attuned to this crown you know the cantrip
This rough circlet chiseled from black ice has a single onyx set in its face and glistens a cold blue in the light. While you are attuned to this circlet you automatically succeed on saving throws against effects that would deal Necrotic damage and are resistant to psychic damage. Additionally, you know the cantrip
Curse. If you die while attuned with this circlet you rise 24 hours later as a corrupted version of your former self unless you are restored to life or your body is destroyed. This curse can only be removed while surrounded by Black Ice or by
This double door cabinet looks like it was made for dolls by a skilled toy-maker. When you open it, if there is room, it expands to its full size and quickly becomes 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. This item has 12 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
Inside is 3 brooms, mops, and buckets, as well as a small collection of cleaning rags, soap that never runs out, and aprons, that all belong to the cabinet. These objects are teleported back into the cabinet every time it is opened.
While holding any of the supplies that belong to the cabinet, as an action, you can expend a charge to animate that object as if under the effects of
This blade is a mottled black and blue, with speckles of white throughout it. It’s hilt slowly shifts shape even as you hold it, and when you attack, the weapon leaves a shimmering trail in it’s wake.
Return To Nothing
As an action you can cast
Once used this property of the sword can not be used again until the next dawn.
Wall of Emptiness
As an action you can swing this sword through the air while clearing your mind and focusing on the infinite nothingness of the void. When you do so a rift of stars and darkness appears where your blade was. This rift forms a 20-foot tall and 60-foot long jagged wall extending from you that remains for the next minute. If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall (your choice which side).
Anything that passes through this wall disappears into the void for the duration. When the wall dissipates with a roar any creatures or objects that disappeared into it are ejected into the nearest unoccupied space.
Once used this property of the sword can not be used again until the next dawn.