This helmet has large semi-spheres that cup over your ears. These metal earmuffs are lined with wool and quite cozy.
Even while not attuned to the helmet, while you are wearing it you have disadvantage to any checks that involve hearing. However, you are immune to being Deafened and you gain advantage to saving throws against taking Thunder damage.
When you are attuned, as an action you can focus your hearing in another location. When you do this you create an invisible sensor within 1 mile in a location familiar to you (a place you have visited or seen before), or in an obvious location that is unfamiliar to you (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). The sensor remains in place until you dismiss it and can’t be attacked or otherwise interacted with.
When you do this you can hear without the hearing disadvantage imposed by the helmet, but you can only hear as if you are in the sensor’s space.
A creature that can see the sensor (such as a creature benefiting from See Invisibility or truesight) sees a bulbous fleshy ear about the size of your palm.
While wearing these goggles everything you see looks strange and warped. Colors and patterns weave their way through your vision and at times even appear like spectral creatures. Because of this while wearing these goggles you can not read or reliably discern color, and you make all Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) checks with disadvantage. However, illusions are almost imperceptible to you. You automatically succeed on saving throws against visual illusions such as
This well-crafted hide armor is a deep red, but does not appear to be dyed by conventional means, and does not have a single blemish or scratch.
Hand of Apollo
Once per short rest you can cast
Averter of Evil
While wearing this armor each day at dawn you can choose one type of creature: aberrations, fey, fiends, or undead. Creatures of this type have disadvantage on attacks rolls against you, and you can not be Charmed, Frightened, or Possessed by your chosen creature type until the next day.
This cloudy white crystal rod has meticulously placed holes bored through it.
If struck it makes a hollow thud, but when this crystal is within the area of an effect that deals Thunder damage it activates, reverberating with an eerie echo. The triggering effect is duplicated with the crystal at its center and the affected area is considered an extension of the original.
While attuned to this item you automatically succeed on saving throws for any effect that triggers this crystal.
This amulet is three golden eyes hung on a set of three connected chains. A large eye, half closed over a ruby, and two smaller eyes just above it on either side.
While wearing this amulet when you make an opportunity attack against a creature you may make up to two additional opportunity attacks before the beginning of your next turn so long as you do not make more than one opportunity attack against any creature.
Additionally, as a bonus action you can activate the amulet and the two small eyes snap open. When you do so you gain Truesight out to a range of 30 feet for the next 10 minutes. During this time you can not suffer from the condition Blinded. This feature can not be used again until the next dawn.
Curse. When a creature puts this amulet over their head it tightens around their temples and the largest eye snaps open. It cannot be taken off unless the curse is removed and the chains cannot be broken despite their dainty appearance.
While wearing this charm you automatically fail saving throws against being Blinded, and have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against Beholders, Death Tyrants and Spectators. If you are charmed by any of these creatures the duration of the charm is permanent unless the curse is removed or the enchantment is broken by
This scroll has radiating lines originating from the edges of the parchment and a bold red border. When activated and then re-rolled for the next hour when any creature speaks through the scroll their voice is up to four times as loud. The tighter the scroll is rolled the quieter the sound.
This quarterstaff is made from an ancient wood that is graying from age but is still stout and stable. At the bottom it has an iron cap and near the top 8 roughly hewn bells of several sizes, sprouting out wildly at all angles. Wrapped around every bell is a ratty cloth, silencing it.
This quarterstaff weighs 6 pounds, does 1d8 bludgeoning damage, and has the Versatile(1d10) property.
When you attune to this quarterstaff you realize that the bells are more than a noisy addition that must be silenced, but that each holds a portion of magic power that is unleashed as they are unbound.
When you unbind the first bell you feel a small surge course through your body. Each bell rings out with a chorus of clanging as it is released from its wrappings, as if the sound itself was trapped within the binding. This quarterstaff has 1 charge for every bell it currently has unbound and it takes 1 action to unbind a bell. It regains 1d8 expended charges each day at dawn.
If you have any number of bells unbound you have disadvantage to stealth checks while holding the quarterstaff.
Toll the Bells
As an action you can strike this quarterstaff against the ground or against a nearby object, expending a charge as the bells peal. Any creature within 30 feet of you that can hear the bells has disadvantage on their first weapon attack against you on their next turn. Additionally, until the end of your next turn you have advantage on your first melee attack against any affected creature.
On a successful melee attack with this quarterstaff against an affected creature you can choose to gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal.
Curse. The first time each bell is unbound you lose 1d6-1 max hit points as you hear its discordant chime. These hit points can not be restored, even by
These two strings of polished silver bells tinkle merrily when shaken and can be heard up to 120 feet away. These bells have 4 charges, and regain one expended charge each time you use the Dash action while wearing them. Also, while wearing these bells your movement speed and jump distance increases by 5 feet.
Any ally creature that can hear these bells can choose to expend a charge to roll a d4 and add the number rolled to an ability check or attack roll of its choice. It can make this choice before or after making the initial roll. Once a creature has used this feature it can not do so again until its next turn.
This massive crossbow has a modified firing mechanism which makes it challenging to use but capable of firing extremely long distances. If you take an action to set it up the range of this crossbow becomes 250/1000 but it must be set up again if you move. This crossbow has 3 charges and it regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
If you currently know the location of a creature due to the effect of divination magic making an attack at long range against that creature no longer imposes disadvantage. Additionally, attacks against that creature ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.
Charged Bolt
As an action you can activate the crossbow, expending a charge. When you do so you can target any point you can see, or divine, within range. A streak of brilliant purple light screams from the mouth of the crossbow towards the target. Roll 1d4-1 and move the point where the bolt strikes that many squares in a random direction from the targetted location. Any creatures within 20 feet of that point must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw as the bolt lands with an immense boom. On a failure they take 5d6 Thunder damage and are Deafened for 1 minute. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Deafened.
This large blue banner is decorated with a flaring yellow crest and mounted on the end of a 10 foot brass pole. As you hold it you can feel the same sense of self confidence that soldiers must when they know their standard is marching right behind them.
The banner has no effect unless it is held aloft by a creature. While holding this banner you can not make any attacks or cast any spells requiring somatic components. While held aloft the banner has an aura that affects all creatures within 250 feet that have either touched it in the last 24 hours, or are wearing a matching crest.
This magical item has 20 charges and regains 2d10 expended charges each day at dawn.
Symbol of Strength
Creatures affected by the banner are immune to being Frightened and any charm effect that would make them endanger another creature affected by the banner has no effect.
Bastion of Fortitude
Whenever a creature affected by this banner must make a saving throw that creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to half your charisma modifier rounded up (minimum of 1).
Surge of Hope
As an action you can wave the banner and expend any number of remaining charges to bolster that many creatures affected by the banner. Each bolstered creature gains temporary hit points equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier that last until the banner is no longer aloft. Additionally, they are immune to the effects Blinded, Deafened, and Poisoned, while the temporary hit points remain.
This sword is splotched over with black and blue stains and feels extremely light. It has a scabbard covered in old parchments and weathered runes.
As an action you can transform the sword into an ink pen or back into a shortsword and when you do so specific runes across the scabbard glow softly. Once per day an action you can activate the sword by running your hand across the runes on the scabbard. Inky black tendrils curl out from the scabbard creating a copy of a set of runes on the surface of the blade. For the next 10 minutes when you hit a creature with this weapon that creature has disadvantage on the first attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Additionally, once per short rest you can create 1d4 sheets of parchment as an action and yet another section of runes glow softly. Any previous sheets of parchment you have created in this manner are destroyed when you create new sheets unless they have sufficient information on them to be considered valuable artistically or intellectually.