These white leather gloves always fit perfectly no matter what size your hands are, and can not be dirtied.
A true gentleman never dirties his hands, and these gloves will not attune to you until you do something that would have otherwise dirtied your hands while wearing them.
While wearing these gloves if you are above half hit points you cannot take a bonus action, but you can choose to instead take a bonus action as an action. However, when you drop below half health you are able to take two bonus actions each turn.
This delicate ring has a rose carved from a shining ruby as it’s focus. While wearing this ring once per long rest you can activate it as a bonus action. For the next 10 minutes any humanoid that ends its turn within 30 feet of you must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw it is charmed by you until dusk or dawn, whichever is sooner, or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as captivatingly beautiful and charismatic, regardless of your appearance.
This set of deep black and purple plate armor has some spiderwebs in it but otherwise is in pristine condition. This item has 3 charges and all expended charges recharge at dawn.
Arachnid Manipulation
While you are attuned to this armor you are able to convey basic commands and feelings to spiders and spider-like creatures allowing you to cast
Spider Summoner
As an action you can expend a charge to simultaneously cast
Curse. When you are near spiders you sometimes hear whispers from Lolth herself of things she wants you to do. Additionally, any charges that are not expended by midnight are automatically used at point(s) of the DM’s choice within range. Any creatures summoned in this way have no duration and are not under your control, though they will not be hostile towards you unless you attack them.
This amulet is three golden eyes hung on a set of three connected chains. A large eye, half closed over a ruby, and two smaller eyes just above it on either side.
While wearing this amulet when you make an opportunity attack against a creature you may make up to two additional opportunity attacks before the beginning of your next turn so long as you do not make more than one opportunity attack against any creature.
Additionally, as a bonus action you can activate the amulet and the two small eyes snap open. When you do so you gain Truesight out to a range of 30 feet for the next 10 minutes. During this time you can not suffer from the condition Blinded. This feature can not be used again until the next dawn.
Curse. When a creature puts this amulet over their head it tightens around their temples and the largest eye snaps open. It cannot be taken off unless the curse is removed and the chains cannot be broken despite their dainty appearance.
While wearing this charm you automatically fail saving throws against being Blinded, and have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws against Beholders, Death Tyrants and Spectators. If you are charmed by any of these creatures the duration of the charm is permanent unless the curse is removed or the enchantment is broken by
This rough semi-translucent crystal is nearly the size of a man’s head and quite difficult to see into but appears to have an ever-changing light show within its core. When you find it it has four smaller but almost identical crystals nearby.
All five of these crystals have hammered gold bands around them with large elemental runes chiseled into them. You can identify Fire, Cold, Acid, and Lightning runes on every crystal.
The main crystal holds 20 charges and regains up to 3d6 expended charges each day at dawn. The child crystals hold no charges, and instead consume charges from the main crystal.
While you are attuned to this item as a bonus action you may select a damage type from the runes. The selected type determines the type of all child crystals.
Any creature holding a child crystal, and within 120 feet of the main crystal, may expend a charge and envision striking a target they can see within 120 feet as a bonus action. When they do so a small shimmer flies through the air from the main crystal to the activated child crystal and a magic bolt streams towards the envisioned target dealing 1d4 damage of the selected element.
When a creature activates a child crystal as a reaction you may choose a number of charges to expend and fire that many additional bolts from their crystal at the target.
While holding the main crystal you roughly know where each child crystal is at all times as long as it is on the same plane of existance as you.
Each of the bucklers from this set has two spines, one on either side that slope to a razor sharp tip, giving it the shape of an eye. The main body of the bucklers has a hammered finish while the spines are both polished perfectly smooth. As you initially inspect the bucklers you can not find any way to wear them. There are no straps or handholds, simply an engraved name on the back of each buckler.
While you are are attuned to these bucklers and within 120 feet of them you can gesture or call to one or both of them as an action. When you do so they will fly to you if able, going around obstacles and creatures, before snapping into place on your forearms. They float several inches off your arm, moving with you as if they are attached.
They can not be moved from your arm unless you allow it. When you brush one or both of them off as a bonus action they will fall to the ground.
While wearing these bucklers you can not wield a shield but you gain +1 to your AC. Additionally, you can make melee attacks with proficiency using these bucklers as if they are a Light Finesse weapon and they deal 1d6 Piercing damage.
This appears to be a normal deck of red backed playing cards, but if you inspect it closely there is a faint aroma of spices and the pattern on the cards is tiny mixing bowls, spoons, and aprons. These cards are never in the order you remember, as if they magically shuffle themselves when you arent looking. If a creature has Truesight they can see that each of these cards is in fact a spice or ingredient that has been manipulated to function as a playing card.
As a bonus action you can draw a card from the deck and consume it, return it to the deck, or give it to another creature. If you give it to another creature they may consume the card as a bonus action on their turn if they so choose. When you first put it into your mouth all you can taste is the bitterness of inked paper until suddenly flavor explodes over your tongue.
1: The flavor, it is indistinguishable. It is as if all the others have mixed together in the worst way. You spend the next turn wretching and can not take a reaction for the next minute. If you can handle this though, you can handle anything. For the next 10 minutes you can not taste anything, you are immune to the Poisoned effect, and are resistant to Poison damage.
2-3: Chili, cayenne, or pepper. You have never tasted spice this strong before, you take 1d4 fire damage and your mouth nearly glows it is so hot. For the next 10 minutes you can not burn your tongue while eating or drinking, any creature that you bite takes an additional 1d10 fire damage, and you do not feel full while drinking liquids.
4-5: Peppermint or spearmint. The fresh taste seems to spread, tingling over your whole body. For the next hour your movement speed increases by 15, but everything that you touch is cold, and almost feels electric. You are vulnerable to Lightning and Cold damage for the duration.
6-7: Garlic. The intensity of garlic emanates not just from your mouth but your entire body. For the next day you have disadvantage to any Charisma checks you make while talking to people, but undead will not willingly move within 10 feet of you. Additionally, as a bonus action you can make a breath attack against a creature within 5 feet and that that creature must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take 1d12 Poison damage. This deals 3d12 Poison damage to vampires and vampire spawn.
8-9: Oregano and Sage. The earthy flavors bring you a sense of immense earthly wisdom. For the next hour you have advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saves, however for some reason your vision goes fuzzy. For the duration creatures and objects farther than 30 feet away are considered heavily obscured for you.
10: Allspice. The flavors have melded in a pleasant and well refined joy to the tongue. You feel your mind relax and transcend your mortal restraints. Your exhaustion level is reduced to 0, and for the next minute you are proficient in all skills and saving throws.
Are people always teasing you about your big feet? Do you just really need to be able to fit into those cute shoes in the store window? This pair of Slippers of Concealment can help you. These dainty white slippers are bigger on the inside than the outside. No matter how big your feet are, they are guaranteed to fit in these slippers without stretching or discomfort.
This weapon is tarnished and dingy, as if it has been exposed to the elements for far too long, but is not rusted. You can not find its sheath anywhere and its handle is bare metal with no wrapping.
You can activate this weapon as a bonus action. As you activate it you hear a cacophony of jumbled whispers and the weapon seems to almost guide itself towards its target, leaving a sickly blue trail behind it. While it is activated you have a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with this weapon.
After it has been activated for one minute you must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure you take 1d12 Psychic damage as the voices crowd your mind and your vision flashes white. On a success you take half as much damage. For every minute the weapon is activated you gain an additional +1 to hit with this weapon. However, for every minute the weapon is active you must make another DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, and the damage you take increases by 1d12.
Each time you make a Wisdom saving throw against this weapon’s effect you may choose to try to break free from it. On a success you take no damage and the weapon is deactivated. On a failure you are unable to clear the voices from your head and you take damage as normal.
Curse. When you attune to this weapon you make a binding pact with an ancient one. If you die while attuned to this weapon or go unconscious while the weapon is activated your soul will be trapped within the weapon as one of the many voices, and just as all the other souls, you can not be released until a favor for the ancient one has been completed by another person. If you un-attune with this weapon before completing a favor for the ancient one you are certain you will suffer great misfortune.
This large blue banner is decorated with a flaring yellow crest and mounted on the end of a 10 foot brass pole. As you hold it you can feel the same sense of self confidence that soldiers must when they know their standard is marching right behind them.
The banner has no effect unless it is held aloft by a creature. While holding this banner you can not make any attacks or cast any spells requiring somatic components. While held aloft the banner has an aura that affects all creatures within 250 feet that have either touched it in the last 24 hours, or are wearing a matching crest.
This magical item has 20 charges and regains 2d10 expended charges each day at dawn.
Symbol of Strength
Creatures affected by the banner are immune to being Frightened and any charm effect that would make them endanger another creature affected by the banner has no effect.
Bastion of Fortitude
Whenever a creature affected by this banner must make a saving throw that creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to half your charisma modifier rounded up (minimum of 1).
Surge of Hope
As an action you can wave the banner and expend any number of remaining charges to bolster that many creatures affected by the banner. Each bolstered creature gains temporary hit points equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier that last until the banner is no longer aloft. Additionally, they are immune to the effects Blinded, Deafened, and Poisoned, while the temporary hit points remain.
This short, dull metallic rod has a note tied around it with string. The note claims that it was crafted to contain the holy light of “the ancient god of some clerics I am pals with. They live on a mountain so you know it’s legit” and is signed with Reynier’s signature. It is partially hollow on one end and has a button on the other.
This rod contains 5 charges and regains 1d4+1 charges each dawn. When you press the button a 6 inch beam of light flashes from the hollow of the rod out to 30 feet before quickly flickering out. The first creature hit by this beam regains 2d8 hit points as they are bathed in the warm light. If there are hit points left over after the creature has reached maximum hit points or the creature is already at maximum hit points they must make a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 + the remaining hit points. On a failure they are Stunned for 1 turn and are Blinded for the next minute as their eyes and mind are overwhelmed with a burning sensation and pure light. At the end of each of its turns, it can make another Constitution saving throw. If it succeeds, the effect ends.