This singed oaken staff has a forked tongue of metal on each end and a hand grip made of padded leather. This staff holds 5 charges and regains 1d4 expended charges each dawn.
As an action you can activate the staff, and sparks can be seen flickering between the forks. As you activate the staff a panel of electricity crackles into existence at a point within 60 feet of your choosing. The writhing section of living lightning appears in any orientation you choose. It can be free floating or resting on a solid surface. It is 5-foot by 5-foot and seems to have almost no thickness. When you activate the staff you can choose to expend a number of charges. The first charge you expend changes the original panel of lightning to a 10-foot square panel, and each additional charge creates an additional 10-foot panel. You can place these panels as you wish but each panel must be contiguous with another panel.
If any creature attempts to move through or make a melee attack through any of these panels, or if any of these panels cuts through a creature’s space when it appears, the creature must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from the panel and take 1d6 Lightning and 2d6 Force damage. On a successful saving throw they are not pushed and only take 1d6 Lightning damage. If you are not a caster you use your Constitution modifier as your casting ability for these saving throws.
This large 1-foot diameter orb holds a diorama of a wattle and daub cottage in the woods. This diorama changes with the seasons and is intricately detailed.
In the diorama you can see a gnomish word chiseled into the side of the cottage. If you speak this command word while holding the orb and standing on a reasonably flat area with at least a 20-foot cube of space you suddenly find yourself inside the cottage. The cottage instantly transports from the orb into the space you are standing, and any creatures in the space the cottage now occupies are placed in a free space within the cottage if they fit, or outside if they do not.
This 20-foot square cottage is furnished with 3 bunk beds, a large table with 6 chairs, a fireplace, and several empty bookshelves and chests along the wall.
If you speak the command word again while touching both the cottage and orb, the cottage and any objects in the shelves or chests return to the orb. Any creatures in the cottage remain where they were.
The cottage can only be taken from and returned to the orb once per day.
This ebony staff is topped with a lifelike hand carved from shimmering translucent crystal.
It has 10 charges and regains 1d10 expended charges each day at dawn. While attuned to this item you are able to cast
Shimmering Shield
As a reaction to you or a creature you can see being targeted by a ranged weapon or ranged spell attack, you can expend a charge to create a 10-foot wide 15-foot tall crystal hand between the targeted creature and the attack. Each time a hand is created, it appears in a brilliant flash of dazzling lights and each creature within 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the beginning of it’s next turn.
This crystal hand has 12 AC and 30 hit points and is vulnerable to Force damage. It lasts until it is destroyed or until you use this feature again.
This thin flexible rod has a sturdy string attached to the end, and a mechanism to release and reel back in the string as needed. Tied to the end of this 50-foot long string is a small hook. When either the hook or string is broken it quickly grows back as the detached hook and string disintegrate. As an action, you can make a ranged attack using this rod against a Large or smaller creature within 30 feet if you. You may add proficiency to this attack if you are proficient in Dexterity (Sleight of Hand). On a hit, the creature becomes tangled in the string and is grappled (escape DC 16). While a creature is grappled in this way you may pull them 10 feet towards you as an action. The grapple ends if they end their turn farther than 30 feet away, you drop the fishing line, or another creature detangles them as an action. Additionally, when trying to catch fish with this item you may make any related checks with advantage.
This quarterstaff is made from a pale wood and a segmented serpent is carved along its length with its head at the top of the staff. Its eyes are set with large turquoise and several smaller stones stud its back.
This item can hold 10 charges and regains 1d10 expended charges each day at dawn if you are not underground when the sun rises.
As a bonus action you tap the staff on the ground and the eyes shine a cold blue as if the cantrip
Prince of Lightning
While the serpent’s eyes are glowing you can choose to expend a charge as an action. When you do so the whole staff crackles with energy and the turquoise stones shine brightly before a searing blue beam erupts in a 1-foot-wide 60-foot-long line from the snake’s mouth. Each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving throw DC 17. On a failed save, the creature takes 3d8 Fire damage, 3d8 Lightning damage, and is Blinded until your next turn. On a successful save it takes half as much damage and is not Blinded. Additionally, this effect dispels any magical darkness in its area.
Lord of Flame
As an action you can expend all remaining charges to create a massive mote of brilliant blue light. All the stones on the staff suddenly pulse and a 10 foot sphere of light coalesces 50 feet above your head. This mote sheds bright light in a 250-foot-radius, and dim light out for an additional 100 feet. It lasts for the next 10 minutes before disappearing with a roar.
This light is considered sunlight and dispels any magical darkness in its area. Additionally, any creature in the radius that looks at the mote of light must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 17) or be Blinded for the next minute. A creature blinded by this effect may make another Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns, and on a success is no longer Blinded.
After using this feature you can’t use it again for the next 2d6 days.
Curse. If the snake has not has blood dripped in its mouth in the last month each time you expend one or more charges you take 1d8 Lightning damage.
This javelin is heavily weathered and is carved out of a single piece of what seems to be solid stone but is strangely light to be made of such a dense material.
It has 3 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
While you are on solid ground as a bonus action you can reach a free hand to the floor and speak its command word. When you do so if the javelin is on the same plane as you it disintegrates and rises out of the ground to meet your hand.
Additionally, if you hit a creature with this weapon you can choose to expend a charge. When you do so the creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be Restrained for the next minute as a coating of stone creeps up from the ground and covers their legs. The creature may, as an action, attempt a DC 16 Strength saving throw to break free.
This rough semi-translucent crystal is nearly the size of a man’s head and quite difficult to see into but appears to have an ever-changing light show within its core. When you find it it has four smaller but almost identical crystals nearby.
All five of these crystals have hammered gold bands around them with large elemental runes chiseled into them. You can identify Fire, Cold, Acid, and Lightning runes on every crystal.
The main crystal holds 20 charges and regains up to 3d6 expended charges each day at dawn. The child crystals hold no charges, and instead consume charges from the main crystal.
While you are attuned to this item as a bonus action you may select a damage type from the runes. The selected type determines the type of all child crystals.
Any creature holding a child crystal, and within 120 feet of the main crystal, may expend a charge and envision striking a target they can see within 120 feet as a bonus action. When they do so a small shimmer flies through the air from the main crystal to the activated child crystal and a magic bolt streams towards the envisioned target dealing 1d4 damage of the selected element.
When a creature activates a child crystal as a reaction you may choose a number of charges to expend and fire that many additional bolts from their crystal at the target.
While holding the main crystal you roughly know where each child crystal is at all times as long as it is on the same plane of existance as you.
This scroll is sealed with white wax that shimmers in the light and has the crest of a lightning bolt. When the seal is broken a tiny cloud the size of a fist appears 5 feet directly above the scroll. This cloud grows until it is 5 feet wide before beginning to rain. It rains 1d4 gallons of water over the course of 1 minute. This water is perfectly clear and could even be described as glittering. After 1 minute a single lightning bolt strikes the ground from the tiny cloud before it dissipates, and any creature within 5 feet of that point must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 Lightning damage.
You see a bonsai tree within a simple glass enclosure. It has a well shaped clay dish and cork around its lip, sealing off the glass tube over the small tree. Despite the tree being completely enclosed you can see an obvious breeze swirling around the glass. When you pull the glass off there is a small burst of air and the breeze dissipates.
Each day the tree sheds a single leaf. This leaf does not wither no matter how long it dances along in the breeze within the bottle. Any leaf that is plucked from the tree has no special properties.
If one of these leaves is crushed or ripped
If more than three of these leaves are crushed or ripped
If there is ever more than 10 leaves in one place, or the bonsai container is opened when there is more than 10 leaves,
Timeless. On a successful DC 14 Nature check you estimate that this bonsai must be hundreds of years old, and is in excellent condition, yet you see no signs of it needing to be watered. You reason that it must somehow subsist on sunlight alone within its glass enclosure.
You find a roughly-hewn branch with a cork stopper in one end. Inside is a yellowed parchment with a song written on it in druidic.
You are able to sing this ballad perfectly so long as you are able to read it, almost as if you have always known it. If you sing the entire song during a long or short rest, and are in an area suitable for growing plants, vines and saplings begin to spring from the ground with the tallest tendrils stretching to meet your hands like flowers stretch towards the sun.
You may choose one piece of the plants to help you before they stop growing.
Leaves. You take three small shoots with a leaf on them. You can sing a portion of the ballad while placing one of these leaves over a wound as an action. When you do so it will heal the creature for 1d4 hit points before becoming non-magical.
Young tendrils. You take several young tendrils and they wind themselves together into a whip. On a successful hit with this whip you can choose to sing a portion of the ballad as a bonus action. When you do so the tendrils spring to life wrapping around the creature and any terrain nearby before becoming non-magical. The target creature is Restrained and must make a DC 13 Strength check at the end of each of its turns to free itself.
Mature vine. You take a single mature vine, around 15 feet in length when uncurled. As an action if you begin to sing a portion of the ballad it will slowly writhe and begin to grow once again. It can grasp onto any stationary object of your choice within 15 feet or any inanimate object of your choice it is touching. After it latches on it becomes a non-magical vine 50 feet long and is strong enough to hold up to 500 pounds.
This appears to be a wooden gauntlet made from gnarled oak and a tough brown fabric. Each of the solid wooden slabs fastened to the back of the gauntlet has a different rune on it and on its front it has a circular hole cut from the palm. This gauntlet holds 5 charges and regains 1 expended charge each morning at dawn.
If you are within arm’s reach of a tree as an action you can expend a change and press your hand against the tree to draw a weapon or ammunition from it. This can be any weapon you are proficient with or 1d4 pieces of ammunition for any weapon you are proficient with. The look and feel of the weapon differs slightly depending on the type of tree you pull it from but it does not affect its function in any meaningful way.
On a critical failure with any weapon created this way, or after 1 day without being submerged in water, it splinters into pieces.
If you spend an action to return a weapon created this way (that has not splintered) to any tree within arms reach, the gauntlet regains an expended charge.