This scroll can be challenging to create as it’s much smaller than most, and is meant to be concealed within a hand. Its for those suitors with a magic flair and a bit of extra pocket change that are unable to master the magic arts themselves. When held in a fist and squeezed at arms length from the body it erupts into an eloquent bouquet complete with sparkle effects and gentle leafy sounds. The exact flowers that are created are chosen by the scroll maker. It also has a, possibly too small, arrow pointing in the direction the blossoms will emerge. If it’s not spotted roll a d4. On an even roll the flowers are rightside up, on an odd roll the flowers are upsidedown.
This mahogany grinder has a simple oak inlay and is smooth from use. When the handle is turned new well ground fresh spices come out as you would expect, but it seems like it’s never the same spice twice.
This grinder has 3 charges and it regains all charges on a short rest.
You can turn the handle of the grinder either clockwise or counterclockwise, expending a charge each time you do so. When the handle is turned roll 1d10 to determine the spice that is ground. Clockwise, and the spices nicely fall from the grinder with no special effects. Counter-clockwise and after a small delay large shards of spices spew from the mouth of grinder up to 15 feet away affecting anything they hit in strange ways. You can make an ranged attack against a creature within range and on a hit the spice effect takes place. If you have multiple attacks this replaces one of them.
- Salt.The target creature takes 1d4 Piercing damage and is compelled to attack you with its next attack.
- Peppercorn. The target takes 1d4 Fire damage and 1d4 Piercing damage from the spicy shards.
- Paprika. The target feels a burning sensation and must succeed an Intelligence saving throw DC 12 or use their next action to try to “put out the fire”.
- Nutmeg. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 12 or be Charmed for the next minute or until they take damage.
- Thyme. Spines of dried thyme pierce the target doing 1d10 Piercing damage.
- Oregano. A small 5 foot cloud of oregano forms around the target Blinding them until the end of their next turn or until they move out of the cloud.
- Cloves. Whole cloves pummel the target, dealing 1d10 Bludgeoning damage.
- Ginger. The target creature is overcome by the zing of ginger and must use their reaction to move 5 feet in any direction if they are able to move.
- Mint. The creature feels an immense chill surround them. They take 1d8 Cold damage.
- All Spice. The aroma is almost overwhelming. Roll twice on this table, if a 10 is rolled again you must re-roll that result. This effect only consumes 1 charge.
Are people always teasing you about your big feet? Do you just really need to be able to fit into those cute shoes in the store window? This pair of Slippers of Concealment can help you. These dainty white slippers are bigger on the inside than the outside. No matter how big your feet are, they are guaranteed to fit in these slippers without stretching or discomfort.
This small jar is made with a thick glass and has several colorful lights that flit about within it, shedding dim light out to 10 feet. You can use this jar of strange lights as an arcane focus. Whenever you cast a spell of first level or higher using the jar as a focus the jar casts
The Matador’s Mantle is a gaudy short red cape with gilded edges and intricate stitching. As a bonus action while wearing this cape, you can spend 15 feet of movement to move 5 feet without provoking opportunity attacks.
These leather gloves are singed with a delicate web of right angles.
This item has 5 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn. Additionally, you can use these gloves as an arcane focus.
While casting a spell if you are wearing these gloves you can expend a number of charges equal to the spell slot used to ignore any verbal or somatic components for the spell. When you expend charges in this way the gloves network of burns glows with energy that varies in color depending on the school of magic.
This cloak always seems to be affected by a light breeze and flows behind you constantly. While wearing this cape you have advantage on Charisma checks to appear heroic, royal, or awe-inspiring.
This is a simple leather satchel riddled with scorch marks and tiny holes. When opened it has nothing insde it, but if you reach in without looking you can feel several stones or orbs.
It has 4 charges and regains all expended charges each day at dawn.
As a bonus action you can expend a charge and pull out a fist sized stone that begins to smoke. At the end of your next turn it will shatter with a low crack that can be heard out to 100 feet. It explodes into shards dealing 1d10 piercing damage to all creatures within 5 feet that are not behind 3/4 or full cover. You can throw one of these smoking stones up to 30 feet.
If the satchel is exposed to fire damage a charge is expended and a stone shatters. Additionally, any stone exposed to fire damage immediately shatters.
This light decorative scarf is a pleasant yellow and just large enough to tie around the neck or use as a bandana. They were made popular after a stellar review by a jungle explorer claiming it protected him from a large ape.
It is not only a fashionable accessory though, once per short rest if the scarf is placed flat over a solid surface and the command word “banana bandana” is spoken a banana appears as the scarf is lifted. This banana is always ripe, but will go bad by the end of the day if not eaten.
Some have tried summoning other things, even just other fruits, but none have yet succeeded.
These white leather gloves always fit perfectly no matter what size your hands are, and can not be dirtied.
A true gentleman never dirties his hands, and these gloves will not attune to you until you do something that would have otherwise dirtied your hands while wearing them.
While wearing these gloves if you are above half hit points you cannot take a bonus action, but you can choose to instead take a bonus action as an action. However, when you drop below half health you are able to take two bonus actions each turn.
When unrolled this scroll slowly lofts into the air just above head height and expands to create a 30 foot by 20 foot floating canvas, casting a lovely patch of shade. It will remain in the location it was opened for the next 10 hours before it sinks to the ground and dissolves into sand.