This large blue banner is decorated with a flaring yellow crest and mounted on the end of a 10 foot brass pole. As you hold it you can feel the same sense of self confidence that soldiers must when they know their standard is marching right behind them.
The banner has no effect unless it is held aloft by a creature. While holding this banner you can not make any attacks or cast any spells requiring somatic components. While held aloft the banner has an aura that affects all creatures within 250 feet that have either touched it in the last 24 hours, or are wearing a matching crest.
This magical item has 20 charges and regains 2d10 expended charges each day at dawn.
Symbol of Strength
Creatures affected by the banner are immune to being Frightened and any charm effect that would make them endanger another creature affected by the banner has no effect.
Bastion of Fortitude
Whenever a creature affected by this banner must make a saving throw that creature gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to half your charisma modifier rounded up (minimum of 1).
Surge of Hope
As an action you can wave the banner and expend any number of remaining charges to bolster that many creatures affected by the banner. Each bolstered creature gains temporary hit points equal to 3d6 + your Charisma modifier that last until the banner is no longer aloft. Additionally, they are immune to the effects Blinded, Deafened, and Poisoned, while the temporary hit points remain.
This cloak is made from a deep purple hide so unique you can only assume comes from an otherworldly being.
While wearing the cloak you always know the location of all creatures within 15 feet of you if they would be visible to you. This effect applies even while unconscious, and when a creature enters this radius for the first time if you are sleeping you can make a DC 10 Constitution check to attempt to wake up.
Additionally, you have advantage on Wisdom(Insight) checks to check if a creature is lying to you, though you only know if they are or not, not what they might be lying about.
Curse. Each night there is a 5% chance you perceive a creature moving near you but if you wake up nothing is there. Additionally, you have disadvantage on saving throws against being Frightened, and automatically fail saving throws against Fear Ray from Beholders, Death Tyrants, and Spectators.
This helmet is very notably missing any way to see out of it as its visor is completely solid, but it is overlaid with a multitude of artistically crafted eyes.
While wearing this helmet you have blindsight out to 60 feet and are blind beyond that radius. Blindsight allows you to see through obscured areas, magical and nonmagical darkness, and you can not be Blinded by most effects, but it does not allow you to see through walls or objects. This particular blindsight allows you to see creatures and objects easily, but things such as words on a page, or colors, are impossible. Creature’s basic emotions and health are expressed via color.
Additionally, creatures trying to determine your thoughts or mood via mundane means, such as an Insight check, have disadvantage while you are wearing this helmet.
Curse. If you doff this helmet after wearing it for an hour or longer, you are Blinded for 1 minute for each hour you were wearing it, up to 1 hour total. This effect can not be removed by
This miniature keg is sealed with blue wax and filled with a pint of bitter ale. After drinking all the contents you gain several effects for the next hour.
- You can see into the Ethereal Plane out to a range of 120 feet as a blue haze.
- You can see Invisible creatures and objects outlined in a halo of yellow light.
- You have Tremorsense out to a range of 120 feet.
- You are Poisoned even if you would normally be immune to the condition.
Each minute you are Poisoned in this way you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become Stunned for the next minute as you are overwhelmed by everything you see. If the Poisoned condition is removed, or after one hour, you lose all the above effects and gain a level of exhaustion.
This black hooded cape has a mantle of iridescent raven feathers on its shoulders and is trimmed with a similarly iridescent ribbon. This item has 4 charges and regains 1 expended charge each day at sunset, or 1 charge for each raven sacrificed.
As an action you can expend a charge to activate the cloak and a billowing plume of phantom ravens erupts from the mantle. The ravens spread into a 60-foot radius sphere centered on you and move with you for the next minute before disappearing. This area is considered lightly obscured and spreads around corners.
While these ravens surround you, you gain the following benefits:
You always know how many small or larger creatures are within the cloud of ravens, but not what creatures, or where they are.
Additionally, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Finally, as an action you can command these ravens to attack a creature within the radius. The target creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 14. On a failure they take 4d4 Psychic damage and are Blinded until the beginning of their next turn. On a success they take half as much damage and are not Blinded.
This small wooden barrel is made of polished oak and is wrapped with brass bands. It looks like it would hold about 5 gallons but when you pour liquids into this barrel it seems to never overflow. It can hold 200 up to gallons, though it will never weigh more than 50 pounds, regardless of how much is in it. If you attempt to store anything except a liquid in the barrel it will only hold 1 cubic foot of material.
If you leave it sealed for an entire month, no matter what liquid was poured into the barrel it will be a stout ale of the same volume when poured out.
Placing this barrel inside an extradimensional space created by a Portable Hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items in a massive explosion of ale and light. Any creature within 10 feet of the barrel when it explodes becomes completely drunk and is Poisoned for a number of hours equal to 10 minus their Constitution modifier, even if they would otherwise be immune to the condition.
This ebony staff is topped with a lifelike hand carved from shimmering translucent crystal.
It has 10 charges and regains 1d10 expended charges each day at dawn. While attuned to this item you are able to cast
Shimmering Shield
As a reaction to you or a creature you can see being targeted by a ranged weapon or ranged spell attack, you can expend a charge to create a 10-foot wide 15-foot tall crystal hand between the targeted creature and the attack. Each time a hand is created, it appears in a brilliant flash of dazzling lights and each creature within 15 feet of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Blinded until the beginning of it’s next turn.
This crystal hand has 12 AC and 30 hit points and is vulnerable to Force damage. It lasts until it is destroyed or until you use this feature again.
This amulet is carved from black horn and it’s centerpiece is a brilliant black opal that never feels hot, nor cold, to the touch.
To attune to this amulet you must endure its effects for at least 4 rounds without falling unconscious. Once attuned however, you can breathe while wearing it, and as a bonus action can activate or deactivate it’s Void’s Grasp effect.
Void’s Grasp
Creatures that end their turn within 5 feet of the amulet must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or begin suffocating. Suffocating creatures can survive a number of rounds equal to their Constitution modifier before they drop to 0 hit points. This effect ends when the creature starts its turn farther than 5 feet from the amulet, or when it drops to 0 hit points. Creatures that do not need to breathe are immune to this effect.
This flashy amulet has an impressively large green emerald as it’s centerpiece and is ornamented with onyx and blackened steel. When you slip it over your head you can hear it speak to you, and know that it holds a fragment of a dragon’s consciousness within it.
Ancient Presence
When you are attuned to this amulet as you wear it it begins to change even your physical body the presence within it is so powerful. Over the course of a month jet black scales grow down your spine and your eyes become emerald green. You gain immunity to Acid damage, resistance to Poison damage, and Darkvision out to 120 feet. If you unattune from this amulet you lose these benefits, but your scales and eye color do not change back.
Caustic Soul
As an action if you are within the area of poisonous or harmful gases you can breathe in the toxins surrounding you and exhale a roiling stream of acid and poison 60 feet long and 10 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, taking 4d8 Acid damage and 4d8 Poison damage on a failed throw or half as much on a successful one. If breathing the gas in this way would cause you to make a saving throw you make that save with advantage and take no damage on a success.
Master of Fear
You can not be frightened by any creature with a CR less than or equal to 12. Additionally, any Adult or younger dragon that tries to use their Frightful Presence feature on you must instead make a saving throw against their own effect.
Sentience. Zerrndrock is a sentient neutral evil amulet with an Intelligence of 20, Wisdom of 18, and a Charisma of 24. It has proficiency in Insight, Deception, and Charisma saving throws, with a proficiency bonus of +6, and it has hearing and blindsight out to a range of 120 feet. The amulet can speak, and understand Common and Draconic, but can only communicate telepathically with its wearer. Its voice is low and rumbling but soothing in a way.
Personality. Zerrndrock speaks quietly but with authority that only comes with age and immense confidence. His only goal is resurrection and to be freed from the amulet. He is not friendly, and never will be, but will play the part of a wise grandfather giving sage advice and encouragement, or almost anything else including lying or getting the wearer killed if he thinks it will sway the wearer closer to his selfish goal. Doing what he must to gain trust is just a part of this scheme, even if he does not enjoy it. Zerrndrock is clever and has endless patience, and will never lash out or grow impatient unless he believes he is within reach of his centuries-long goal.
While wearing these blue-lensed goggles you are able to see in any dim light as if it were bright light, and you are able to see through snow and blizzards with ease. You do not have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks, and do not suffer from the Blinded condition, if it would be caused by ice, snow, or other cold weather effects.
This simple collared robe is fastened with silver clasps and appears unassuming until you touch it’s surface. When touched it ripples with mesmerizing colors.
This item has 8 charges and regains 1d6 + 2 expended charges each day at dawn.
While wearing this robe when a creature within 60 feet that can see you makes an attack against you as a reaction you can expend a charge to force that creature to make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure they are charmed for the next minute. while charmed by this effect, the creature is incapacitated and has a speed of 0. This effect ends if it takes any damage or if someone else uses an action to shake the creature out of its trance.
Additionally, as an action, you can expend a charge to change the robe to any color, style, or design, you want. This change is more than an illusion and physically transforms the cloak in a cascade of brilliant light before your eyes.